cwstj_cn 发表于 20-9-2010 00:14:57



kittyliy 发表于 20-9-2010 10:22:09

Sorry can't type in Chinese now. :)

Accordig to our experience, you don't have to apply for another VISA for your child, just call Department of IMMI and tell them your kid has missed out his/her initial entry date because of blablabla (better to be reasonable), and to reunite your family, you would like to apply for the extension of the initial entry date. Then they will give you a case number, and normally after several days, a case officer will contact you and offer you the extension only after you have booked the air tickets for your kid to come in Australia. And they will give you the detail letter about the extension and you could hand in this letter when your kid really enters the Australia.

语之玫瑰 发表于 20-9-2010 14:13:29


muyuyu 发表于 20-9-2010 17:50:21


勤劳的海狸 发表于 20-9-2010 23:17:18


cwstj_cn 发表于 21-9-2010 14:19:59

堪培拉的2nd stage processing centre认为小孩在中国offshore,需要通过中国的使领馆来处理。上海的领事馆认为福建属于广州领事馆区域,应由广州领事馆处理。

ubuntuhk 发表于 21-9-2010 14:27:59

回复 #6 cwstj_cn 的帖子


cwstj_cn 发表于 21-9-2010 14:59:58


cwstj_cn 发表于 21-9-2010 16:35:38

回复 #2 kittyliy 的帖子


kittyliy 发表于 22-9-2010 10:10:26

It was a different case officer for our case. My understanding is only the Department of IMMI can issue such letter, so better double check with IMMI what can be done for such case. Good Luck!

cwstj_cn 发表于 22-9-2010 12:04:06

回复 #10 kittyliy 的帖子

Thanks for your reply.
Just wondering whether your kid was onshore or offshore when you applied for the extension of the initial entry date. I also would lilke to know which IMMI department took your case. Canberra 2nd stage processing center or Melbourne 2nd stage processing center?
I am looking forward to your reply. Many Thanks.

kittyliy 发表于 22-9-2010 12:40:11

Feeling a bit guilty when replying this topic at office, :), but...

I didn't know which IMMI office it was, I just searched the website of IMMI and called the number for general enquiries, and they gave me an enquiry number (or something like that) and a contact email of case officer as well, asked myself to send out a detailed email to address the situation. Looked like the case officer was in Adelaide from the email address.

Of cos my daughter was in China at that moment and had never been in Australia after the issue of our visa. But my housbend and I were in Australia at that time and seemed only parents/guardian could apply for such extension for dependent child (or maybe wrong?).

My suggestion is you could make an enquery to IMMI and tell them the details of your situation, but looks like the line is very very hot so just be patient while waiting...

kittyliy 发表于 22-9-2010 13:16:01

A few more details about our application.

Below is the email we got from our case officer, hope it helps.

"I am the Cancellations/Facilitation Officer for the Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre, and have been allocated your case for further consideration.
Firstly there is some information I need to make you aware of. It is not physically possible to change XXXX's IED on her visa label after the
visa is granted.

Condition 8504 has been breached for Lining's subclass BN 136 visa granted on 31/7/2008;
Condition 8504 states: The holder must enter Australia as the holder of
the visa to which the condition applies before a date specified by the

Visa holders are expected to comply with visa conditions and failure to
comply with a visa condition may render the visa liable for cancellation
under Section 116 (1) (b) of the Migration Act (1958).Migrant visas
will be cancelled where the visa holder breaches the initial entry condition
unless exceptional and compelling reasons have prevented them from
complying with the condition.

In view of the information you have provided I am able to assist you and your family to resolve this issue and facilitate
your daughters entry in May 2010.

What the department does is facilitate her entry in breach of the visa condition which imposes the IED.
Facilitating XXXX's entry means the department will issue her with a notice of facilitation that allows her to enter into Australia in breach
of the visa condition.

When she travels she will need to carry this letter with her as well as her passport with the visa label inside.

Please see the attached document request letter and follow the instructions for responding accordingly.

Please note if you fail to respond by the time frame outlined in the letter the visa will be subject to cancellation.

Note: if a person tries to enter Australia in breach of a visa condition they may be refused entry."

cwstj_cn 发表于 22-9-2010 15:29:00

thank you so much for your help. It is very useful.
although our visa subclass are different, aour scenaries are similar.
It provides me a good reference. Thanks:)

cwstj_cn 发表于 22-9-2010 19:02:00

a senior case office confirmed my daughter's visa must be extended by one of the offices in China. :(
too bad

muyuyu 发表于 22-9-2010 19:41:11

原帖由 勤劳的海狸 于 20-9-2010 22:17 发表


muyuyu 发表于 22-9-2010 19:42:36

原帖由 cwstj_cn 于 21-9-2010 13:19 发表
堪培拉的2nd stage processing centre认为小孩在中国offshore,需要通过中国的使领馆来处理。上海的领事馆认为福建属于广州领事馆区域,应由广州领事馆处理。


cwstj_cn 发表于 22-9-2010 22:03:04


janova 发表于 23-9-2010 14:57:45

原帖由 muyuyu 于 22-9-2010 18:41 发表


主申和副申都有Initial Entry Date,这之前必须登录激活Visa

东飘 发表于 23-9-2010 20:24:27

:@ ;P ;P :victory: :victory:

cwstj_cn 发表于 27-9-2010 12:07:30

过来汇报一下,事情基本得到了解决, 我提供了个理由給广州领事馆,签证官很友善,帮忙延长了初始入境时间. 长舒一口气~~感谢大家,特别是kittyliy,谢谢~~

changtuioni 发表于 24-2-2016 11:04:15

我也遇到相同情况 所以想咨询一下你当时是怎么处理的 找的什么理由让签证官同意延期的 十万火急 忘回复 谢谢

changtuioni 发表于 24-2-2016 11:05:23

kittyliy 发表于 22-9-2010 13:16
A few more details about our application.

Below is the email we got from our case officer, hope i ...

你好 想问下你当时找了个什么理由?可以给我处理这种事情的邮件地址吗 谢谢 十万火急

TinaDaDa 发表于 26-11-2016 04:47:43

changtuioni 发表于 23-2-2016 18:05
你好 想问下你当时找了个什么理由?可以给我处理这种事情的邮件地址吗 谢谢 十万火急

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查看完整版本: 小孩签证初次入境时间错过,怎么办?请大家支招