回复 #32 小胖猫儿 的帖子
准备好羊肉卷、洋葱、香菜。放油,油热后倒入羊肉卷,炒到变色放孜然粉、辣椒粉、盐,搅拌拌匀,再放入孜然粉,搅拌均匀,放入洋葱,搅拌均匀,出锅,撒上香菜。就可以了。 闲来无事,更新下白菜豆腐汤和鸡腿的图片吧。虽然很少人关注,但是还是贴出来吧,反正闲着也是闲着。:$
[ 本帖最后由 ringsun 于 10-9-2010 13:42 编辑 ] 有人顶,我很想吃鸡腿,像肯德基的新奥尔良烤翅,我怎么都买不到小鸡腿呀。
回复 #35 tm_nicole 的帖子
• 6 chicken drumsticks, skinned
• 8 tbsp tomato ketchup
• 2 tbsp brown sugar
• 2 tbsp soya sauce
• 4 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
• 2 garlic cloves, chopped
• 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
• 4 tbsp water
• 3 tbsp olive oil
• 2 spring onions, chopped
• Salt and pepper
1. Step 1: Preheat the oven
Set the temperature to 200ºC, that's 400ºF or gas mark 6.
2. Step 2: Make the marinade
Into a saucepan put the tomato ketchup, brown sugar, water, Dijon mustard, chopped garlic, soya sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
3. Heat gently for a few minutes whilst stirring continuously to mix all the flavours together.
4. Step 3: Prepare the chicken
Take the knife and cut a few slits into each drumstick. This will allow the marinade to soak into the meat.
5. Step 4: Boil the chicken
Take the other pan and add the drumsticks to it.
6. Cover with cold water and add 4 tbsp of the marinade.
7. Bring to the boil and then simmer gently for 10 minutes, skimming off any excess foam that rises to the surface.
8. Step 5: Marinate the chicken
Remove the drumsticks from the water and leave them to cool.
9. When cool, cover them with the remaining marinade and season with salt and pepper.
10. Step 6: Cook the chicken
Put the drumsticks on a baking tray, allowing a small space between each and place it in the centre of the oven.
11. Bake for 20 minutes.
12. Step 7: Add the oil and spring onions
After 20 minutes, add the olive oil and the spring onions and cook for another 5.
13. Step 8: Serve
Serve while baking hot with French fries and a leafy salad. Worcestershire sauce
Dijon mustard
回复 #37 eva_kong 的帖子
具体视频地址:http://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-make-barbecue-chicken芥末酱超市没找到,买了POWDER,加水自己弄的, 另外的超市都有的卖。
[ 本帖最后由 ringsun 于 10-9-2010 19:24 编辑 ] :) 顶一下帖子
亲手做的美味就是不一样! 好久未见楼主,原来转战这里了 :good :good :good :good :good :good :good 原帖由 eva_kong 于 10-9-2010 17:24 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Worcestershire sauce
Dijon mustard
这两种sauce woolis都有的卖,就是卖很多很多sauce的那一块。实在找不到,写下小纸条问staff. 楼主家吃得真丰富:victory: 上个香辣虾和牛肉干的做法吧,这两样太牛了:good 全能啊。。。。。