stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:17:10

Base Jumping

今天无意中发现个好玩的video,看了新闻才知道这种“跳楼”行为叫做Base Jump(的一种)。:tk_48


Highest base jump-Nasr Al Niyadi and Omar Al Hegelan sets world record

DUBAI, UAE--Nasr Al Niyadi and Omar Al Hegelan from the Emirates Aviation Society made a perfect landing after jumping-with permission-2,205ft (672 meters) from the 160th floor of the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building - setting the new world record for the Highest base jump.
Photo: Omar Al Hegelan does a somersault thousands of feet up after following his colleague Nasr Al Niyadi from the 160th floor of the building / Reuters

The pair, from the Emirates Aviation Society, made the descent at speeds up to 137mph in under one and a half minutes.

Ahmad Al Matroushi, managing director of UAE of Emaar Properties which built the Burj Khalifa, said: 'The highest base jump undertaken by the UAE national and his trainer is another human achievement that complements Burj Khalifa's accomplished track-record of pushing frontiers.'
Photo: Mr Al Hegelan parachutes the final few feet to the ground in Burj Park Island after a 90 second descent from the skyscraper. / Reuters

Mr Al Niyadi, who was one of 15 base jumpers to set the previous Guinness world record for base jumping off the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, described the feat as 'the best experience ever'.

'When we were at the top of the building I was thinking "this is crazy",' he told'I was a little nervous but I wanted to jump from the highest tower in the world to record an achievement for my family and for my country.

'As soon as we reached the ground I looked up and just thought "wow". I have completed over 2,700 jumps but this was the most amazing.'

Base jumping refers to the four categories of fixed objects from which people taking part jump - buildings, antennas, bridges or spans and cliffs or earth.

Mr Al Niyadi and Mr Al Hegelan, both members of the Fazza Sky Team, landed safely at Burj Park Island after a breathtaking 10 second freefall and 80 second parachute flight.

Both skydivers were part of a Fazza Sky Team expedition which made a world record sky dive over Mount Everest at 29,500ft in 2008.

stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:18:36

新鲜出炉的 :tk_40


stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:23:09



stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:24:18

Dean Potter - 疯狂的人


stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:25:46




mk82 发表于 10-1-2010 20:26:22


stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:26:28

这里问一下mk,你玩过base jumping吗?

stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:27:51

原帖由 mk82 于 10-1-2010 08:26 PM 发表

94,在youtube随便搜一下base jumping accident就一大堆。:tk_13

mk82 发表于 10-1-2010 20:29:30

原帖由 stellahie 于 10/1/2010 20:26 发表
这里问一下mk,你玩过base jumping吗?
没玩过, 兴趣不是很大。 如果伞打不开,就完蛋了。 而且自由落体时间太短,没什么意思。自由落体好玩就好玩在在空中有足够时间变换姿势,体验各种感觉。 跳楼的话也就5-6秒什么都感觉不到,做 2个空翻就要准备开伞了。 而且大楼群气流不稳定,玩这个摔死的少撞死的多。

stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:33:50

回复 #9 mk82 的帖子

Wingsuit base jumping呢?可以飞很久哦。悬崖边擦身而过那感觉就像小鸟一样,不过那也只是我的想象。

mk82 发表于 10-1-2010 20:37:18

见过那东西,好像现在用的人也不是很多。 寒号鸟, 对于那些置空时间需要长一点的, 几百人搞个大图形破世界纪录的比较管用,一般人跳伞谁会穿那东西。

stellahie 发表于 10-1-2010 20:45:53

回复 #11 mk82 的帖子

玩不同的啦,你给我好好看5# 第一个视频。:tk_34

mk82 发表于 10-1-2010 21:01:39

原帖由 stellahie 于 10/1/2010 20:45 发表
玩不同的啦,你给我好好看5# 第一个视频。:tk_34
老外拍视频的本事确实是。。。。 中国也有喜欢挑战极限,有新IDEA的牛人。却拍不出那么好的VIDEO,悲哀啊。

视频很酷, 这东西早晚会用到军事上,如果你从10000米跳下, 滑行10多KM没问题,还是没有声音的,多么完美的渗透模式。


[ 本帖最后由 mk82 于 10-1-2010 21:02 编辑 ]
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