......[ 本帖最后由 bg1pdq 于 23-11-2009 18:53 编辑 ] 捷信脚架+RRS球台比照片好看 ;P 1D3,好牛的机器。 美丽的阿村
希望能快点去感受下 :good :good :good 可惜是阴天~ 来张HDR 也是今晚的Henley Beach
很初级 很初级
你不晒装备PP可以打70分,晒了装备只能不及格了;P 这么好的机器没事拍啥交通摄像头和闪光灯:yct_48
不如来布里斯班做我的专职房子摄影师得了 装备秀啊,支持!!!;P 哈哈!亮骚的。
TS-E 24L是啥?佳能的增距镜or镜头? 原帖由 dcm 于 17-11-2009 08:07 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
TS-E 24L是啥?佳能的增距镜or镜头?
nikon也有一个Nikon 24 mm f/3.5 PC-E Nikkor ED,你也来个玩玩吧,其他牛头你都有了,就缺这个了. ;P
http://a.img-dpreview.com/news/0801/nikon/nikkor_24_pce_1-001.jpg c家的头子俺一贯眼馋17tse和isxxb,n家没对应的啊:'( 哦!就是这个镜头拉。移轴的我不玩。
原帖由 atelier 于 17-11-2009 09:18 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
nikon也有一个Nikon 24 mm f/3.5 PC-E Nikkor ED,你也来个玩玩吧,其他牛头你都有了,就缺这个了. ;P
http: ... 原帖由 bg1pdq 于 17-11-2009 18:11 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
Henley Beach 海景房:
黄昏的光线好美。。。 好美啊
向往 I can not see what LZ want to express form most pictures, take photos is easy but take good photos is not.
Architecture photos seems easy to take, they are not moving, they do not change, you can do whatever you like.
Acturally it is hard to take good photos for buildings, every building has it's unique feature, it's unique beauty espically for those historic ones.
You have to capture those unique things to make the photo stands out, make it looks attractive, looks nice, how to make it? you have to know the building, know it's history, observe it, inside out.
You probably should take more efforts to do those rather then use top gears,a vision of photographer is far more important then those gears.
Sorry for speak out, welcome to comment, thanks.
确实景色很美, 有机会想过去旅游,不知道有没有人当向导哦 If you can afford, I can do it.>$100 per hour (cash only), haha:P
[ 本帖最后由 melguy 于 22-11-2009 23:39 编辑 ]