Opinion please, entry level DSLR
At work so no Chinese input.I am thinking of buying an entry level DSLR, and I've got a choice of the following:
1. My friend's got a 6month old 450D Twin IS lens kit with around 1500 pictures taken and she's looking at upgrading from that(don't ask me why for I have no idea...) She said I can have the package for $800
2. My brother in China said he can get me a 500D single lens kit for around 5k rmb and a friend of mine can take it back to me when he's coming back to Sydney in the middle of December. So around $800 again.
3. I myelf had a look at the new Pentax K-x, and quite like the features (720p video recording/liveview/body buildin Shake Reduction/good shutter speed etc), price for a twin lens kit is around $840 so I am rather tempted...
Can anyone give advice on this? Much appreciated If I were you, i choose 3.
also for you, as you like it,you have a less chance to regret buying this one.:tk_03 i thought single lens always cost around $2000... from canon...:tk_11
you pay for what you get... 1,2:
450 vs 500d = local warranty (if it's a local one) + another len
500d -450d=better lcd + 1080p video + 3m more pixle.
depends on your choise
3:500d got 1080p video, better than k-x 720p,
both 450d & 500d got liveview,
450d & 500d kit lens are is lens, is=shake reduction.
good shutter speed? 原帖由 临海的街2 于 10-11-2009 13:54 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
i thought single lens always cost around $2000... from canon...:tk_11
you pay for what you get...
all high end lens are around 2000 or more regardless it's canon, nikon, sony or pentax. Why not Chinese?
作为入门机,450D和500D都足够好了。500D拥有HD Video, 如果你没有高清摄象机,那么500D是很好的选择。
Kit Lens比较超值,如果对画质不是那么苛刻,相信足够了。否则,上佳能L头,或者副厂的大光圈头,体验的又是一番激动。 At work>.< no chinese input:'( 原帖由 tommychen 于 10-11-2009 14:45 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
Why not Chinese?
作为入门机,450D和500D都足够好了。500D拥有HD Video, 如果你没有高清摄象机,那么500D是很好的选择。
Kit Lens比较超值,如果对画质不是那么苛刻,相信足够了。否则,上佳能L头,或者副厂的大 ...
你们在哪里买?? 原帖由 mqeric 于 10-11-2009 14:49 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
At work>.< no chinese input:'(
我以前也没有,后来跟IT部门的混混熟,就帮我把这个调出来了,,,呵呵呵呵呵:tk_35 预算是王道。
有钱的买个D3x也算入门级的 到家了- -,俺的预算就那么点(800左右刀),而且是绝对不能超的,所以才会考虑Pentax K-x :good 500D Kit 800刀难搞定 option 1
if she supply a good IS lens, you need count lens more weight than body 我朋友的是双kit lens,没什么特别的- -
可能直接买个K-x就算了 entry level,仔细读读《纽摄》,随便哪个相机都可以 入门机有两种不同情况
其一是就打算在入门机这个层次停留了,进一步发展的打算不强烈。其二是打算先用一下入门机,为将来进一步发展做铺垫。这两个情况的选择完全不同,前者就盯着入门机本身就行了,而后者则要兼顾将来的发展。 已经入手k-x twin lens kit,多谢各位参与讨论,鼓捣机子去了 CCTV CCTV CCTV CCTV
[ 本帖最后由 katsura 于 16-8-2011 11:58 编辑 ]