Midwifery care at the public hospital and the facilities for dealing with serious medical problems are excellent. The special care nursery (for newborn babies) is well run and there is a paediatric registrar on site 24 hours a day. They will admit babies after 32 weeks pregnancy (if you labour before this you would need to be transferred to a hospital with a neonatal intensive care like Prince of Wales or Royal Prince Alfred). The down side is that it is noisy, you are less likely to get a single room, the rooms are small and the food is not great. I recommend the public hospital for women with serious medical problems or for those without private insurance who are paying to go there as private patients.
St George Private Hospital is just over 10 years old and the rooms are more spacious, you’re more likely to get a single room (though you may have to be in a two bed room for a day or so if it is very busy), the view of Botany Bay from the single rooms is fantastic and the food is reasonable. The nursery is the same ’level’ as the public hospital but will only admit babies after 34 weeks and there is a resident available to look after medical problems with the babies 24 hours a day. The only criticism of the private hospital is that the postnatal care is sometimes not perfect when they are very busy. This is more of an issue with your first baby and they have been trying hard to improve it with the employment of more midwives and a postnatal manager.
以上引自一位产科医生Dr Greg Davis的网站 我是在st george public 生的小孩,感觉那里人都挺好的,但是可能设施和人都不是很足,我开刀之后被分配到一个六人的病房里睡。第一天太累了,我和小孩都睡得很好,第二天病房换了一批人,他们也挺累的,所以也还好。第三天我可以下床了,护士也不管我了,其他小孩也开始有精力了,病房里就吵个不停了,只要有一个小孩哭,其他小孩也跟着哭,晚上根本睡不了觉,第四天全部人都申请出院。