我的ACS评估经验 (MODL/5封推荐信)附推荐信模板
今天终于拿到了ACS的Result letter, 和大家分享一下我的经验。20081005 DHL ACS
20081008 ACS Signed
20081013 ACS RN
20081117 ACS IP by Pileny Nata
20090115 ACS WA
20090122 ACS CF
20080123 RL 2231-79 (J2EE)
从快递材料出去到收到result letter一共110天,远远超过了ACS 12周的承诺,可能是圣诞假期的缘故。
一. 材料准备, 基本上就是照着下面这个cover letter准备的(声明一下这个是抄袭AnaCoppola的,版权属于她,:lol)
[*]ACS职业评估申请表,原来以为只有pdf版本的还准备找软件来编辑pdf, 后来发现有个doc版的下载,就直接打开填了打印出来,注意事项下面会再详细说明[*]因为我当时护照已过期还没来得及回广州办新的,就用出生公证了,和学历学位公证都是叫家里人帮忙在广州仓边路广东省公证处办的,很顺利一个星期就拿到了[*]成绩单密封件:这个我找在广州的同学帮我回去学校办的,为了以后备用一共办了8份,第一次还忘了密封,后来又拿回去当场装进学校信封里贴封条盖印,也没再多收钱[*]用荧光笔标记了ICT课程的成绩单A4复印件,因为我不是计算机专业,保险起见加了这个(参考了freeoz某位同学的做法,是谁想不起来了,以后补上)[*]公司A是我当前的公司,一个小startup, 我的顶头上司就是老板了,不想让他知道,找了另外一个同事做推荐人,签推荐信的时候在职,递交ACS申请时他已离职,注明一下
(For Mr XXXX XXXX's ACS Assessment, 5 October, 2008)
Dear Sir or Madam:
This is regarding ACS assessment application with the required documents as following:
1. Cover letter (this document)
2. A completed application form for Australian Computer Society Skills Assessment
3. A birth certificate
4. A certified copy of graduation certificate for Bachelor;
5. A certified copy of Bachelor's Degree;
6. A sealed official academic transcript from XXXX University;
7. A photocopied transcript with ICT courses highlighted
8. Reference letter from Company A and attached business card (
The referer XXXX XXXX leave Company A on June 21, and now working at Company X);
9. Reference letter from Company B and attached business card;
10. Reference letter from Company C and attached business card;
11. Reference letter from Company D and attached business card;
12. Reference letter from Company E and attached business card;
13. Resume;
I promise that all the above documents are fully prepared and all the information in them is correct and up-to-date.
If you want more information, please don't hesitate to contact me upon the address below:
Mobile: +86 136 1234 1234
Email: xxxxx@gmail.com
Contact Address: Room 2009, Building 12
345 XX XX Road, Pudong
Shanghai 200001
Yours Sincerely,
二. 推荐信准备
Employer references
* should be on company letterhead
* indicate clearly on the letterhead,
- the full address of the company,
- any telephone and fax numbers, and
- email and website addresses
* the job title
* a brief job description
* precise dates of employment
* clearly state whether employment
- whether permanent or temporary
- full or part time
- the main five duties undertaken
- the salary earned
- position/s held
* demonstrated levels of competence with
- any computer languages,
- the various types of hardware and software used and
- the extent of involvement with any major projects.
* have the name and position of the person authorised to sign theemployment reference typed or stamped below that person's signature. Areference with an illegible signature will not be accepted
* include the direct contact number of the person writing the reference
Details of qualifications held, brief details of relevant experience, and the periods of these positions.
Attach a detailed written explanation of your professional informationtechnology experience including positions held, projects undertaken andyour contributions to them.
DIAC的要求原文 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/175/eligibility-work-experience-study.htm#g
第一段,推荐人和自己的关系,雇主名称,职位,服务起止日期,是否全职,是否permanent, 大约年薪
评J2EE的话,根据ACS的要求就是你有一年时间的工作是专业程度使用J2EE相关技术的(servlet/jsp/jsf/hibernate/spring/ejb/jboss/weblogic这些都算), 项目的相关技术和语言里面多提就是了
[ 本帖最后由 ritz 于 21-7-2009 20:37 编辑 ] 推荐信的例子:
25 August 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that Mr. XXXXworked as Senior System Analyst and Product Manager at Company ABC from 1 February 2005 until 1 December 2005 as full-time permanent employee.His annual income upon leaving was approximately RMB$XXXXX, including salary and bonus.
During this time Bruce became an integral part of Company ABC’s technical team and he was promoted to a Product Manager position in July 2005.
As a Senior System Analyst and Product Manager, Bruce's duties and responsibilities included the following:
* Understand business opportunities and assist project team with respect to architecture of the technical solution.
* Responsible for system analysis, design, develop and implementation.
* Work with other team members via code review and standard software development practices.
* Mentor less experienced developers
* Document system design, concepts and facilities, present and obtain approval of detailed system design
* Develop, integrate, and support complex systems and modules, programs, sub-systems, system and procedures, analyse performance and tune system, and complete system documentation.
During his days at Company ABC, his major projects included:
<<insert complimentary here>>
Should you have any queries regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me at <<推荐人email>> or <<电话号码>>
Yours truly,
1. XXXXX Web-Based Data Query and Reporting System
XXXX's architecture is based on Struts MVC model, web rendering engine used JSP Tags
Bruce's duties and roles on this project:
* Senior System Analyst/Product Manager
* Analysed requirements and created/maintained use cases UML
* Review design in technical review meetings
* Responsible for JSP Rendering Engine design (including cross-table, data grouping and compound reports, etc.)
* Designed API for JSP templates management, reports exporting, etc.
* code review with other team members
The software technologies used by Bruce on this project:
* Oracle Database 10g
* Java 1.4
* Apache Tomcat 5.5.x
* BEA Weblogic 8.1
* Torque3.1.1
* Apache Struts 1.2.x
* Rational Rose Enterprise Edition 2003
* Eclipse 3.0
* Findbugs 0.9.x
我一般一个推荐信里面有两个这样的major project, 有一个只有一个(因为那家公司只有一个project)
[ 本帖最后由 ritz 于 15-6-2009 23:07 编辑 ] 再占一个坑 mark mark 三个多月啊,时间太长了吧 支持,谢谢楼主回复我的帖子,解答我的疑问 :) 提到我的名字了,出来露个脸。等你填坑!:congra 先占个坑再说:) 恭喜楼主拿到modl。
回复 #9 西红柿面 的帖子
ACS这步是不需要在职证明的,推荐信足够了 多谢楼主解答,
回复 #11 西红柿面 的帖子
你最好查下你自己城市的公证处网站, 或者打电话问问 恭喜恭喜,谢谢分享
各位好,我正在办理移民,现在要求我写3篇能体现工作、组织能力的小论文,为职业评估用,我想移民过去的兄弟姐妹们都写过,希望能指点指点,我是学电气的,在哪里能找到相关模板,另外,这三篇文章是不是对职评非常重要呀?如能给予帮助,不胜感激!谢谢。 原帖由 ritz 于 24-1-2009 04:35 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif今天终于拿到了ACS的Result letter, 和大家分享一下我的经验。
20081005 DHL ACS
20081008 ACS Signed
20081013 ACS RN
20081117 ACS IP by Pileny Nata
20090115 ACS WA
20090122 ACS CF
20080123 RL 223 ...
回复 #14 union555 的帖子
http://www.google.com/search?oe=UTF-8&hl=&lr=&channel=search&q=CDR&sitesearch=freeoz.org&sa=true 请问楼主, 用护照的话, 是提供复印机对吧? 这个到底要不要公证呢?
我在qq群里有人说不需要公证, 但是acs要求是certified, 能帮忙确定一下么?
另外办理学历学位公证时需要集体户口要提供什么样的户口本? 我手上只有自己的户口页,没有封面, 办结婚登记时就非要提供户口封面. 我户口在外地这个非常麻烦.
回复 #17 zunreal 的帖子
要用护照的话需要护照公证件,因为是复印件,需要做复印件和原件一致的公证,电签申请因为可以提供彩色扫描件,护照也有英文,所以不需要公证。我用的是出生公证,所以护照公证没做集体户口的话要户主页的复印件和你自己那页的原件。你做公证的话可能需要回户口所在地才能办,我在上海,户口在广州,我也是找亲戚在广州帮忙办的 谢谢楼主回复.
那么你找人代办也是要拿你的身份证和取得户口簿复印件的? 这个过程也满费劲的, 还要担心邮寄什么的出问题.
回复 #19 zunreal 的帖子
是有点担心,我们都EMS来回好几趟了,如果寄去小地方的还要盯紧点回复 #20 ritz 的帖子
请问楼主你的Resume是自己写了就可以了吗?是否需要所有雇主签名盖章或者公证之类的?(ACS)回复 #21 zlllz 的帖子
回复 #22 ritz 的帖子
谢谢, ritz真是个热心人啊。 先留名再看学习了 收藏一下,以备后用,谢谢! 那个cover letter是必须的么???
那个RPL和skill assessment的表格不是已经涵盖这些内容了么?
回复 #26 fatfish_cc 的帖子
不是必须的,方便CO查看而已,厚厚的一摞啊,有个目录清楚很多 谢谢楼主分享,正要申请acs收藏 前面看到ACS的在线申请,也是需要把纸质的文档寄过去了...那在线申请还有很大意义么?:) 用荧光笔标记了ICT课程的成绩单A4复印件,因为我不是计算机专业,保险起见加了这个请问楼主怎么知道哪些课程是ICT课程?另外20%的比例是按课程还是课时?因为我也是非计算机专业。