Ankle Biter: 小孩,小不点儿Arvo: 下午
Ay? 什么?用于“我没听见你”或“请重复一遍(所说的)
Banana bender: 来自Queensland(昆士兰)的人,(昆士兰是澳大利亚主要的香蕉产地)
Barbie: “芭比”,一种著名的娃娃的名字,还指barbeque,实际是指一种户外烧烤用具——金属烤架,也用于描述围绕着这种金属烤架的聚会,——烧烤野餐。
Beg yours? “I beg your pardon?”的简略形式。用于“请重复一下”也常与“sorry”(对不起,用于同样的场合)
Bikki: 饼干
Bingle: 没有造成太多损失的小的车祸
Blind: 喝得太多以至于看不真切
Bloke: 男人,伙计(fella)家伙
Bloody: 感叹语,轻微的诅咒(注意:在澳大利亚人心目中,这个词与blood“血”并无关系“)
Buckley's 没有机会,Buckley是一个特别不走运的历史人物,因此,如果你有Buckley's chance (Buckley)的机会,意味你毫无机会。
Bey:再见,“good bye",经常是”bye bye"的简略形式
Capsicum: 番椒,辣椒,许多别的国家称之为“ball Pepper" 或”Large Chill"
Chook: 小鸡
Ciggy: 香烟也称“fag"或”durry"
Cluey: 伶俐,机警,聪慧,“cluey"就是能够发现周围的很多线索,”cluey“字面意为”线索的“源于”clue(线索)
Crap:废话,胡说,瞎扯,如果澳大利亚人说“That's crap”或“Crap on”,就以为着他们并不相信你所说的是真的,“bull"具有相同的意思,-是”bullshit"的简略式。
Dag: 不赶时髦饿人,即不遵循流行趋势的人。
Daks:裤子,也称为"duds""Track daks"指“tracksuit"(作便服或运动服穿的宽松而暖的衣裤)的裤子。
Dead horse:"sauce"的同韵俚语,调味汁,酱,但仅用于番茄酱。《与ketchup——"番茄酱"相似》
Demo: 示威
Drop-kick: 最初是足球的一种方式,落地踢返弹踢也用于指笨蛋,蠢才,这种人应该被反弹踢的
Dunny: 卫生间,通常指户外卫生间,也称“loo”
Esky: 冰箱或冷藏柜(通常用于冰啤酒),Esky原是一个牌子,现用与所有的冰箱
Footpath: 人行道,小径
Full-on: 强烈的,无保留
G'day: 著名的澳大利亚的问候语,限于对较熟悉的人打招呼而不用于职业场合男性间用得比女性多,“你好?”
Gunna:"going to (将要干……)"的简略式,用“I'm gunna do it ( 我将要做)一个制定了很多计划却不贯彻执行的计划,也可能被称做一个”gunna"
Hang on: 等待也作“hold on(稍等)”
Hooroo: 也作:“ooroo"'再见。
Jumper: 毛绒杉或羊毛杉。
No worries:没问题,指很容易干的事
Pom or Pommie: 英格兰人
Roo: 袋鼠
Spewin: 极度生气,难以忍受
Spit the dummy: 发脾气
Spud: 土豆
Stubby: 小瓶啤酒
Swimmers:游泳衣,也做"Cossie""togs""swimming costume"或"swimsuit"
Ta: 谢谢
Tea: 除了茶外,还用于指晚餐
Uni: 大学
Vegies: 蔬菜
Whinge: 抱怨,埋怨
Yobbo: 粗俗的澳大利亚人,尤指喝过多啤酒的男性
该文章转载自无忧考网:http://www.51test.net/show/206925.html http://q.sohu.com/forum/12/topic/836930
Bities : biting insects
Bitzer : mongrel dog
Blowie : blow fly
Bluey : blue working cattle dog
Boomer: a large male kangaroo
Brumby: a wild horse
Bunyip : mythical outback creature
Chook: a chicken
Dunny budgie: blowfly
Freshie: freshwater crocodile
Joey: baby kangaroo
Jumbuck: sheep
Kelpie: Australian sheepdog originally bred from Scottish collie
Mozzie: mosquito
Roo: kangaroo
Saltie: saltwater crocodile
Aussie salute: brushing away flies with the hand
Bail out: depart often angrily
Bail (somebody) up : to corner somebody physically
Barrack : to cheer on
Big-note oneself : brag, boast
Blue : fight/argue
Blow in the bag : have a breathalyzer test
Bog in: tuck in, commence eating
Bot: to scrounge
Burl: have a go
Captain Cook: look ("let's have a Captain Cook")
Chuck a Uey: do a u turn
Dob in: to inform on somebody
Drum: tip-off
Dummy, spit the: get very upset at something
Earbashing: nagging
Face, off one's: drunk
Flat out: busy
Flick: to dump your partner
Flick it on: to sell something soon after buying it
Flog: to sell / steal
Fossicking: search / rummage
Game: up for it
Get up somebody: to rebuke somebody
Gobful, give a: to abuse verbally
Grinning like a shot fox: very happy, smugly satisfied
Knock: to put down / criticise
Lair it up: to behave in a brash and vulgar manner
Lend of, to have a: to take advantage of someone
Lizard drinking, flat out like a: very busy
Lob in: drop in to see someone
Muster: round up sheep or cattle
Naughty, have a: have sex
Nuddy, in the: naked
Pash: passionate kiss
Perve: looking lustfully at the opposite sex
Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower
Plate: bring your own / some food (often to a BBQ)
Rack off: get lost!
Rage on: to continue partying
Rapt: pleased
Rock up: to turn up, arrive
Root: have sex
Rooted: tired
Ropeable: very angry
Rort: Cheating, defrauding
Rubbish, to: to criticize
Session, to have: go out drinking
Shankys's pony: to travel on foot
Shoot through: to leave
Sickie, throw a: have a day off due to illness
Skite: boast, brag
Smoko, have a: take a break
Spewin: very angry
Spit the dummy: get very upset at something
Sprung: caught doing something
Squizz: to look
Sunbake: sunbathe
Technicolor yawn: to be sick
Tee-up: to set up (an appointment)
Waggin' school: playing truant
Walkabout: wander off
Whinge: complain
Whiteant: to criticising competitors products
Wobbly, throw a: go mad
Veg out: relax in front of the TV
Yabber: talk a lot
Yakka : work (noun)
Yewy : u-turn in traffic
Describing People
Ankle biter: small child
Aussie: Australian
Banana bender: a person from Queensland
Bastard: term of endearment
Battler: A hard worker only just making a living
Beaut / beauty: great, fantastic
Bikies: motorcyclists
Block, do your: get angry
Bloke : man, guy
Blokey: behaving 'manly'
Blow in: stranger
Bludger: layabout
Bogan: young, immature person
Bounce : a bully
Brickie : bricklayer
Bushie : someone who lives in the Bush
Bushranger: outlaw
Cadbury- a cheap drunk (a glass and a half)
Clayton's : fake, substitute
Clucky : feeling broody or maternal
Cobber : friend
Cockie : farmer. Also a cockatoo
Cockroach : a person from New South Wales
Cook: one's wife
Cranky: in a bad mood, angry
Crook : sick, or badly made
Crow eater : a person from South Australia
Dag: a funny person, nerd
Dero : tramp, hobo, homeless person (from "derelict")
Digger : a soldier
Dill: an idiot
Dipstick: fool / idiot
Dog: unattractive woman
Dole bludger: signing on illegally
Drongo : a dope, stupid person
Figjam: Someone who has a high opinion of themselves
Fisho : fishmonger
Frog in a sock, as cross as a: sound angry
Fruit loop : fool
Full: drunk
Galah: fool
Garbo, garbologist: municipal garbage collector
Greenie: environmentalist
Grey hairs: old people
Gutful of piss: drunk
Gyno : gynaecologist
He hasn't got a brass razoo: he's very poor
Hoon: hooligan
Jackaroo: a male farm hand
Jillaroo: a female farmhand
Journo : journalist
Jumped up: stuck up
Kiwi: person from New Zealand
Knocker: somebody who criticises
Larrikin: a joker
Mallee bull, as fit as a: very fit and strong
Mate: buddy, friend
Mexican : someone from south of the (Queensland) border
Milko : milkman
Mob : group of people
Mongrel : despicable person
Mongrel: nasty person
Mug: gullible person
Nipper: young surf lifesaver
No-hoper: somebody who'll never do well
Not the full quid: not bright intellectually
Oldies: parents
Ocker: an unsophisticated person
Offsider : an assistant / helper / partner
Piker: social misfit / drop out
Polly : politician
Pom /pommy: an Englishman
Pommy bastard : an Englishman
Postie: postman
Quid, not the full: of low IQ
Rapt: pleased, delighted
Ratbag: mild insult
Raw prawn, to come the: to be generally disagreeable
Reffo : refugee
Rellie : family relative
Ring in: substitute
Rotten: drunk
Salvos: Salvation Army
Sandgroper: a person from Western Australia
Screamer: party lover
Seppo : an American
Shark biscuit: new surfer
Sheila: a woman
Shonky: dubious, underhanded
Skimpy: barely clothed bar staff
Sook: soft or inoffensive person
Spunk: a good looking person
Stickybeak: nosy person
Stuffed, I feel: I'm tired
Surfies: people who go surfing - more than they go to work!
Swaggie : swagman
Swagman : tramp, hobo
Tall poppies : successful people
Tall poppy syndrome : the tendency to criticize successful people
Taswegian : a person from Tasmania
Tickets, to have on oneself: to have a high opinion of oneself
Truckie : truck driver
True blue: patriotic
Two pot screamer: person who gets drunk easily
Up oneself : have a high opinion of oneself
Useless as an ashtray on a motorbike: Incompetent or unhelpful
Useless as tits on a bull : Incompetent or unhelpful
Vejjo: vegetarian
White pointers : topless (female) sunbathers
Woos: coward
Wombat : a person who eats, roots and leaves
Wowser : spoilsport
Wuss : coward; nervous person or animal
Yobbo: ignorant person
Youse: you (plural)
B & S : Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball
Buck's night: stag night
Corroboree : an aboriginal dance festival
Footy: Australian Rules football
Nasho: National Service
Smoko: smoke or coffee break
Two up: gambling game played by spinning two coins simultaneously
Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football
Amber fluid: beer
Avos : avocados
Barbie: barbecue (noun)
Bathers : swimming costume
Bikkie : biscuit
Billy: large tin can to boil water over a campfire
Bitumen: surfaced road
Bondi cigar: muck floating in the sea
Boogie board : body board
Boomerang: Aboriginal tool for hunting
Booze bus: police van for breathalysing
Brekkie: breakfast
Brown-eyed mullet: muck floating in the sea
Bull bar : stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle
Bull dust: outback dust
Bush telly: campfire
Bush tucker: native outback food
Chewie : chewing gum
Chokkie : chocolate
Chunder: vomit
Clobber: clothes
Coldie: a beer
Compo : Workers' Compensation pay
Counter lunch / meal: pub lunch
Cozzie: swimming costume
Cut lunch: sandwiches
Daks: trousers
Damper : bread made from flour and water
Date: behind (rear end)
Didgeridoo: Aboriginal instrument
Dilly bag: Aboriginal carrying bag
Docket: a bill, receipt
Donger: penis
Doodle: penis
Doozey : something very pleasant, significant, large
Duchess: sideboard
Dunny: outside lavatory
Durry : cigarette
Esky: coolbox
Fairy floss: candy floss, cotton candy
Flake: shark meat
Fly wire: gauze flyscreen covering a window or doorway
Franger: condom
Freckle : anus
Grog: alcohol / beer
Grundies: underwear
Handle: beer glass with a handle
Knacker: testicle
Lemon: faulty product
Lippy: lipstick
Liquid laugh: vomit
Lollies: sweets
Loo: toilet
Mappa Tassie: females pubic hair area
Matilda: swagman's bedding, sleeping roll
Metho: methylated spirits
Middy: New South Wales beer glass (285ml)
Muddy: mud crab
Munchies: snacks, nibbles
Pav: Pavlova
Plonk: cheap wine
Pokies: fruit machines
Port: suitcase
Pot: Large beer (in Victoria)
Prezzy: present, gift
Rego: vehicle registration
Road train: a very big lorry with many trailors
Rollie: a cigarette that you roll yourself
Sanger: a sandwich
Schooner: large beer glass in QLD and NSW
Schooner: small beer glass in South Australia
Scratchy: instant lottery ticket
Hottie: hot water bottle
Icy pole: ice lolly
Jocks: male pants
Kero: kerosene Shout: a round of drinks
Slab: crate of beer
Snag: a sausage
Spag bol: spaghetti bolognese
Strides: trousers
Stubby: a 375ml beer bottle
Stubby holder: beer bottle cooler
Sunnies: sunglasses
Swag: roll up canvas bed for camping
Thongs: flip flops
Tinny: can of beer / small aluminium boat
Togs: swimming stuff
Trackies: track suit
Tucker: food
Tucker-bag: food bag
Turps: alcoholic drink
Ute: utility vehicle
Vedgies: vegetables
Vee dub: Volkswagen
Whipper Snipper: garden strimmer
XXXX: Four X, Queensland brand of beer
Zack: sixpence (5 cents)
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Arvo: afternoon
Amber fluid : beer
Aussie: Australian
Beaut, beauty : great, fantastic
Big Mobs: loads, a lot of
Bloody : very
Bloody oath! : that's certainly true
Blue: argument/mistake
Bodgy: poor quality
Bonzer : great, ripper
Bottler : something excellent
Bottling, his blood's worth : he's an excellent, helpful bloke
Buckley's chance, you've got: no chance
Bull dust: rubbish
Cactus : dead, broken
Cark it : to die, stop working
Chocka: full up
Click : kilometre - "it's 20 clicks away"
Come a gutser : a bad mistake or have an accident
Come good: turn out ok
Cooee, not within : figuratively a long way away
Cost big bikkies: expensive
Crack a fat : get an erection
Cream, to: defeat by a large margin
Cut snake, mad as a: very angry
Dead dingo's donger, as dry as a: dry
Deadset: true / the truth
Dingo's breakfast: no breakfast
Dinkum / fair dinkum: true, real, genuine
Dinky-di : the real thing, genuine
Docket: a bill, receipt
Doco: documentary
Drink with the flies: to drink alone
Dunny rat, cunning as a: very cunning
Exy: expensive
Fair dinkum: true, genuine
Fair go: a chance / break
Fair suck of the sav!: exclamation of wonder, awe, disbelief
Furphy: rumour
G'Day: hello!
Give it a burl: try it, have a go
Give it away: give up
Going off: good fun
Good oil: useful information, a good idea, the truth
Good onya: well done
Grouse: great, terrific
Heaps: a lot
Iffy: dodgy
It's gone walkabout: it's lost, can't be found
Kangaroos loose in the top paddock: Intellectually inadequate
Kick the bucket: to die
Knock back: refuse
London to a brick: absolute certainty
Lunch, who opened their?: OK, who farted?
Mate's rate, mate's discount: cheaper than usual for a friend
Mind your own bizzo: mind your own business
No worries!: no problem / its okay
Nun's nasty, as dry as a: very dry
Piece of piss : easy task
Pig's arse!: I don't agree
Plate, bring a: Instruction to bring a plate of food to a party
Pozzy: position
Quid, make a: earn a living
Rack off: get lost! get out of here!
Reckon!: for sure
Ridgy-didge: original, genuine
Right: okay
Ripper: Great
Rooted: ruined, broken
She'll be apples: It'll be alright
She'll be right: it'll be okay
Sparrows fart: dawn
Strewth: exclamation
Stoked: very pleased
Stuffed, I'll be: expression of surprise
Too right: definitely
Turps, hit the: go on a drinking binge
Zack, not worth a : not worth anything
Back of Bourke: long way away
Billabong: an ox-bow river or watering hole
Black Stump, beyond the: a long way away, the back of nowhere
Boozer: a pub
Bottle shop: off license
Bottle-o: off license
Brizzie: Brisbane, state capital of Queensland
Bundy: short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum that's made there
Bush: outback
BYO : unlicensed restaurant where you have to Bring Your Own grog
Down Under: Australia and New Zealand
Dunny: outside lavatory
Going off: a place that is a lot of fun
Kindie: kindergarten
Lucky Country, the: Australia
Maccas: McDonald's
Milk bar: takeaway food shop
Never never(land): the Outback / centre of Australia
O.S.: overseas
Outback: central areas of Australia
Oz: Australia
Rage: party
Servo: petrol station
Sleepout: house verandah converted to a bedroom
Station: a big farm/grazing property
Top End: far north of Australia
Uni: university
Unit: apartment
Woop Woop: a small, perhaps, unimportant town
[ 本帖最后由 熊猫阿三 于 18-12-2008 02:14 编辑 ] 挖坑:P :P 再挖:victory: :victory: A
ACE:非常好,最好。例子:“She's ace!”
BARRACK (FOR): 异常兴奋地欢呼(通常用于体育比赛队伍)。
BLOKE: 男人、家伙。
BLOODY: 澳洲感叹词。
BOB'S YOUR UNCLE: 一切顺利;万事皆安。
C'ARN!: “加油”的缩写,在澳洲体育赛事中可听见该词。
CHIPS: 炸薯条。
CHOOK: 小鸡。
CLUEY: 聪明,有智慧
FULL ON:强烈的。
G'DAY: 澳大利亚人一般的问候用语,通常是男性使用。
GOOD ON YOU:(通常读作“goodonya”)。表示恭喜或赞成。
SANGER: 三明治。
SHOCKER: 味道不好的东西或不喜欢的东西。
YONKS:很长一段时间,长久。例子:“Haven't seen you for yonks!”