非常感谢 那我就是可以转176了吧;P 原帖由 豆瓣雅雅 于 17-2-2009 03:16 发表 http://cn.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
可以转类别。 hanshuang,你好,有空回答我的问题吧,是不是还不确定。 原帖由 susanlee1981 于 16-2-2009 20:08 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
6. The applications referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8 should be processed concurrently, in accordance with the priority allocated in the respective paragraphs. Applications referred to in paragraph 7 should not be given priority over applications referred to in paragraph 8, or vice versa.
7. Visa applications under the permanent GSM Program (excluding the Skilled – Designated area-sponsored Subclass 883 and the Skilled – Regional Subclass 887 visas), the ENS and the RSMS should be given the following priority (with the highest priority first):
(i) persons who are employer sponsored;
(ii) persons who are nominated by a State or Territory government, or who are employer sponsored in a regional or low population growth area of Australia;
(iii) persons whose occupations are listed on the CSL;
(iv) persons whose occupations are listed on the MODL;
(v) all other valid applications in the order in which they are received.
8. Visa applications under the provisional GSM Program, Business (Long Stay) visa subclass, Business Skills (Provisional) (class UR) visas, Medical Practitioner (Temporary) class and applications for Business Sponsorship, Business Nomination and Approved Appointment for the Migration Program should be given the following priority (with the highest priority first):
(i) persons who are nominated by a State or Territory government;
(ii) persons who are sponsored by a family member and whose occupation is listed on the CSL;
(iii) all other valid applications in the order in which they are received.
9. Visa applications under the GSM Program may be affected by a section 85 cap that allows processing to be conducted but prevents grant of a visa. In deciding the order for considering and disposing of visa applications (or reviewing decisions pertaining to such applications) when the cap is lifted, persons or bodies to which this Direction applies should give priority to those visa applications in the order as provided for under paragraphs 7 and 8. 还是没有理解785楼所列内部文件的意思。请哪位热心人帮助解答。谢谢!我只想知道我们496被放到那里序列里了。 律师,还有一个事情要请教您,我是07年10月22日,通过工程师评估的,听说一年就过了有效期,如果要转类别,是不是还要评估,或者用其他方式。我的雅思是07年6月22日考的,如果现在开始操作,职业评估的事情还有西澳周担保的事情,是不是还来得及啊?麻烦了,真的非常感谢!!:good 请问163A如何转成165呢 律师可以大体翻译一下么,急死了! 原帖由 hanshuang 于 18-1-2009 20:29 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
我的材料基本都上传了,就剩下一个护照首页;因为递交申请之后护照后面的签证页用光换了一本新的所以这一项就一直没有上传。前面拖了一阵子没弄移民的事情,今天有时间就通过status查询里面的Contact the Department 过去询问他一下。老婆的材料还都没有上传。
3。status查询页面里面,还显示体检啊,x光啊,hiv test都是required,这些是否是等分配了vo被要求了再去做,还是现在自己去做?
谢谢 是不是临居签证不按这个优先级别来,可是475也是临居啊? 原帖由 hanshuang 于 17-2-2009 17:30 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
6. The applications referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8 should be processed concurrently, in accordance with the priority allocated in the respective paragraphs. A ...
这并不是移民局内部文件, 早就公布了,在1217的时候! 163A拿到签证,商业计划书上面是做澳洲出口的,但是不想做了想改165,还需要知道什么情况请问我我告诉你,年龄低于45岁,现金资产超过8000K hanshuang,可以回答一下我的问题吗?是不是我写的太乱了?谢谢 您好:
请问E175 TRA 的checklist里面要求社区语言,是否因为把 职业培训毕业证 填成了 OVERSEAS QUALIFICAION 呢?
2231-79(java/j2ee)1. 8年+ 工作经验, 用高中学历申请, 应该也可以通过 ACS 的 RPL 把? 我是作JAVA, J2EE , 如果能过 ,下来就是 MODL
2.SOL 没悬念的 60分
3. 年龄 < 30在拿 30 分
4. IELTS 4个6 能拿到 15分
5. 4年内有相关3年 工作经验10分
6. MODL 职业 + 4年内1年工作经验 15分
这样算下来, 不需要配偶, 不需要语言加分, 已经能拿到 130了
可以过 175 申请马?
ACS 没有见到要求学历, 但是在booklet6 上面写了申请人要有 trade qualification
并且 immi.gov.au 写了这样的话:
Points are awarded according to the skill category of your occupation. A general overview of these categories is provided below.
Skill Points Requirements
For most occupations where training is specific to the occupation 60 In most cases you will have a qualification (such as a degree or trade qualification) and experience which meets the relevant Australian standards. In some cases, experience without formal qualifications may be acceptable.
For more general professional occupations 50 You must have a qualification equivalent to an Australian bachelor degree or higher qualification.
For other general skilled occupations 40 You must have a qualification equivalent to an Australian diploma or advanced diploma.
Evidence to attach to your application
Evidence to attach to your application
To ensure that your application is complete, and to help us process your application more quickly, you must attach:
* a certified copy of a completed skills assessment document which confirms that your skills have been assessed as suitable for your nominated occupation
* one of the following:
o a certified copy of your post-secondary qualifications, such as your degree or diploma certificate and your transcripts or mark sheets
o certified copies of your work references provided by your employers that detail the position/s you held and the duties you performed (if you have worked in an occupation where substantial work experience may be accepted instead of post-secondary qualifications).
These will be examined to determine whether your qualification/s and work experience are relevant to your nominated occupation.
出处是: http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/175/eligibility-occupation.htm
请问这个 trade qualification 在大洋洲英文中应该是个什么样的学历或者 学力呢? 原帖由 豆瓣雅雅 于 17-2-2009 18:48 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
律师,还有一个事情要请教您,我是07年10月22日,通过工程师评估的,听说一年就过了有效期,如果要转类别,是不是还要评估,或者用其他方式。我的雅思是07年6月22日考的,如果现在开始操作,职业评估的事情还有西澳周 ...
如果换提名职业的话需要重新做职业评估。 原帖由 wwh51 于 16-2-2009 20:12 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
申请了州担保可以取消,联系你申请担保的那个州政府。 原帖由 鹰扬天下 于 18-2-2009 02:59 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
请咨询你的代理,这里不提供具体的操作建议,谢谢!! 原帖由 SHARING 于 20-2-2009 04:35 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
请问E175 TRA 的checklist里面要求社区语言,是否因为把 职业培训毕业证 填成了 OVERSEAS QUALIFICAION 呢?
做清华认证。 原帖由 孤独王子 于 20-2-2009 14:11 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
1. 8年+ 工作经验, 用高中学历申请, 应该也可以通过 ACS 的 RPL 把? 我是作JAVA, J2EE , 如果能过 ,下来就是 MODL
2.SOL 没悬念的 60分
3. 年龄 < 30在拿 30 分
4. IELTS...
个别案例里没有正式的学历也可以申请移民,前提是提名职业是60分,通过职业评估,而且有相当长一段时间的工作经验。 律师先生好!
谢谢!!! 原帖由 hanshuang 于 20-2-2009 15:21 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
:zan :zan :zan 原帖由 yangjing66 于 20-2-2009 20:58 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
到www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf下载!! :mk_28 :mk_28 :mk_28 :mk_28 :mk_28 :mk_28 现在475电签阶段,清华认证是否可以扫描后直接上传?
请律师指点,谢谢!!! 原帖由 wuzzzhui 于 24-2-2009 11:34 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
我是由VET做的认证和评估,VET邮寄给我一份清华认证的结果(学位和成绩单)。我是可以在VO要求补材料前把这个直接扫描后上传给VO(目前还没申请,未拿到TRN号 ...
清华认证的结果必须由认证机构直接发给移民局才有效,而不能是申请人上传。 请问申请州担保176,是不是在职业评估之后再进行操作。现在我们的职业评估已经寄到ACS,刚刚拿到RN,是不是我们只要评估为该州职业列表上的职业就可以了。而不需要,在职业评估中就提到要进行州担保。谢谢!:) 原帖由 bibili 于 24-2-2009 14:31 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif