11月20号分VO,Jamie Steer
免背调,12月9号准签 恭喜楼上!!
为8月的锤!希望进度能快点呀:) 恭喜恭喜!今天好消息不少啊!:D :congra :good 同一个CO的TZ今天准签了,我赶快锤我的榆钱吧!:Q :Q :Q :Q 2月之前我是没啥盼头了。。。。绝望了。 我等到3月把。..一部分人先走起来... Dear Sir/Madam,
Thankyou for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.
All applications are processed in the date order that they were received
at our office.Your application has not yet been allocated to a case
For information on current allocation dates of applications, please send
a blank email to:
Once your application has been allocated to a case officer you will
receive further instructions if we require any additional documents to
process your application.
For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link
Yours sincerely,
Department of Immigration and Citizenship 我上周查的,
没有vo,好像也不是自动回复。。。。 大家看下,我那个是自动回复不?
回复 #5589 cattykarl 的帖子
100%自动回复……:L :L :L :L 原帖由 txhdeve 于 9-12-2008 13:13 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif2月之前我是没啥盼头了。。。。绝望了。
咱俩是前后脚,看来春节前是没有希望了呀 还是好消息再多一些吧!!! 今天准了5个,也不算少。怎么最近2周分VO的消息都很少了呢。。。。难道已经准备放假不再分了,只是瞎猜呀,别当谣言传,我可不想当谣言制造者。。。。。。 12/10 星期三
8月加油!:Q 12.10周三,差4天16个月,锤我的免调准迁 啥也不说了,继续锤签吧。。。 班长,我今天准了!:victory:
谢谢! 8月的,雄起!:good 5600 锤8月:tk_00 翻页成功 坚持不懈的锤 :tk_00 8月部队太臃肿,前进太慢了。。。。 :Q 什么时候才能轮到我呀! 15个月20天了 对了,春节是哪天?
我在澳洲都不关心这个了 俺突然有个预感:45天之内能准签,到8月25号左右。其余的三个月内能准
记住这句话,等着看看准不准 好的,45天后是1月26日,澳大利亚的国庆,我们等着看好了 为大家锤. 每天坚持不懈的锤 希望感动上天:tk_00 继续顶,继续顶:tk_00