回复 #4651 cowboy2058 的帖子
:congra :congra :congra 2008/2W的也分VO啦?完全不按常理出牌啊……
10/30 星期四
求老天开眼,可怜可怜偶们这些等了15个月的人,让偶们早日免调准签:Q :Q :'( 貌似是投诉过的
LS的不在8月群里么? 恩,我基本没时间上QQ……:'( o
继续捶啊 原帖由 maaboo 于 30-10-2008 12:15 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
MS已经进入2008开头的fn了,看来这回已经开始有实质性进度了吧。 今天签收整整14个月了,离十五个月越来越近了,就是没有消息呀,继续加油!!!
:oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :oil :zan :handshake :handshake :congra
回复 #4658 andy9921 的帖子
19W的还没分呢……:Q :Q 今收到移民局回信,给大家分享下,能找出哪些有用的信息!如下:Dear Mr ***,
Thank you for your e-mail about your visa application under Australia’s
General Skilled Migration programme.
The Health Operations Centre (HOC) is currently experiencing delays in
the processing of medical clearances.
If your documents have been sent to the Health Operations Centret in
Sydney please be patient as your clearances will be noted on our system
when completed.If you want confirmation that your medical documents
have arrived there please contact your postal or courier service for
this information.An officer will contact you/the authorised recipient
if they require additional information or documents.
We appreciate your patience in this matter.
If you would like to contact the Health Operations Centre (HOC) please
refer to our website via the following address:
However please note the due to their current backlog and delays in
processing they may take 4 weeks or longer to reply to an enquiry.
Please ONLY contact them if absolutely necessary.
For any further enquiries about the application you have lodged please
refer to our website using the following link
Yours sincerely,
Mark Van Pelt
For and on behalf of
Jason Huang – Case Officer 我昨天写的邮件,今早收到的回信,其实我还没体检呢,我的信是:
hi, good morning!
My name is ****,File Reference:CLF2008/*** AND ICSE Request ID :9051****.I want to know WHEN I SHOULD E-MAIL my medical examination report to you ?and I DONOT KNOW which ID is "RTF" in File Reference:CLF2008/*** or ICSE Request ID :9051****?because I donot check my processing in this web https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/inquiry/query/query.do?action=eVisa.
The last question is how long I will still wait for my application ? 移民局的回信,是暗示我就差体检报告了吗?但我还因为亚思,需要交钱的,好象有个亚思交钱的表格的,移民官怎么不给我呢???:( :( :( 该补啥赶紧补吧 2008的分了!:god 495的3个 早分了 貌似是分vo鸟~ 495一向比较早 貌似495现在也不快 只要有进度就是好现象,早先轮到我们吧!:oil 继续捶我们的准签 真的马上 15个月 了。
vo,准签,什么也没有啊! 原帖由 tofd 于 30-10-2008 16:48 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
移民局的回信,是暗示我就差体检报告了吗?但我还因为亚思,需要交钱的,好象有个亚思交钱的表格的,移民官怎么不给我呢???:( :( :(
雅思是副申请的交钱,那就是予签了,老兄,FREEOZ白混啦?:yct_10 另一个移民论坛看到的:一個philippine人,136, 6/8申請,28/10grant,直接grant,沒分CO就grant了. I really don't know what to say. I feel that I am lost! 振奋一下,出来吼吼~~~~ 原帖由 tofd 于 30-10-2008 18:48 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
移民局的回信,是暗示我就差体检报告了吗?但我还因为亚思,需要交钱的,好象有个亚思交钱的表格的,移民官怎么不给我呢???:( :( :(
你还不检等啥呢?后面的人都快等疯了!!! :dao 真不知道那位补料的,第一次都补啥了?
[ 本帖最后由 taurusadl 于 30-10-2008 23:57 编辑 ] 给自己锤,为大家锤.