[ 本帖最后由 xueqiu 于 30-6-2008 16:39 编辑 ] 锤额家早日分CO,早早准签:lol
[ 本帖最后由 xueqiu 于 30-6-2008 16:40 编辑 ] 希望今天的大雨带来7月准签雨:oil 锤6.7 月的早日拿到签证 睡前一锤,希望明天完全不一样,全体迎接新的时代;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P 七一终于来了,祈祷这个月大家都免调准签!:oil :oil 7.1到了,锤今天狂分VO!! 盼七一,七一到!祈祷我们大家都早日分到VO免贝雕直接准签!!! 锤CO龙巻风:lol 什么都不说了,大力锤。历史翻开了新的篇章 加油,6,7月的同学 :oil :oil :oil 大力锤,锤这个月我们班的同学都免调毕业! 1号准了三个,象是下雨的样子了;P
回复 #2654 老鼠爱上猫 的帖子
快点下吧,把香港6月份创纪录的雨量匀点给澳洲。:oil :oil :oil 刚去看了第三位TZ的准签作业,端的是坎坷啊。:o希望我们都顺顺利利免调准签,用力锤 顶起来···· 早上上班来锤喽:lol 7月开始天天锤!锤早日分到VO免贝雕直接准签!也祝愿我们班全体同学尽快毕业!!! :oil :oil :oil 期待我们班同学毕业的:congra 帮大家锤co:good 祈祷免贝雕顺利预签准签 刚才一位TZ说ASPC分CO已到30 June。good news。
回复 #2663 icepeanuts 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 bug71124 于 2-7-2008 12:45 编辑 ] 原帖由 bug71124 于 2-7-2008 12:36 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
PS:看到那个来自ASPC的回覆,那---- ...
i do not think it is a special case as the update information is from ASPC. http://www.freeoz.org/forum/thread-790545-1-1.html.
BTW, the information in the auto-reply email is always obsolete.
GOD BLESS US. 希望是好消息,帮顶帮锤!!:support: 每天锤锤锤! 今天又准了一个,6月12号的jazzxu同学,126***,136ACS免调。:happy:
如果vo分到6月30这个消息属实的话,至少已经分到143***了哦,快到我啦,激动激动:lol 今天门调了
It is so exciting that the immigration officer came to investigate me today. The officer's name is Gokmen Altan, a strong and muscle man from Melbourne! They came to our company at 3 PM today. At first he came to see my Pilot-Scale Workshop. He is quite interesting about our Synthesizer and Preparative HPLC. After my introduction about our workshop, he took some photos of our instruments. It is a luck that there were some SOPs and records on the desk, and Gokmen could see the signitures of my assistants and me on the documents. And then we went to the HR department to check my contract. But the HR manager was not there and they could not see my contract. Fortunately, MS Cheng Yu found my file in her compurter, and they could see the title of me is the project supervisor. I think the investigation was quite nice and the Officer is a very friendly person. He ask me about my plan in Oz, and he also gave me some suggestions. It is a lucky day, and our case would be accelerated, maybe We could get our VISA without handing in more documents.