回复 #58 没有记忆的海洋 的帖子
能把邮件内容贴上来吗? CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONThis is to confirm receipt of application for Skilled Migration, received on 13/6/07 for AAA dd/mm/yy. Payment has been taken and your receipt no. is @#$%^&*.This application is currently undergoing validity checking and an acknowledgement letter with your client reference number and receipt will be emailed to you in approximately six weeks.
This delay in acknowledging your application will not impact on the time taken for your application to be allocated a case officer if you have lodged a valid application.Case officer allocation and expected date of finalisation will be in line with our current processing times and service standards available on our website.
You are welcome to emailaspc.processing@immi.gov.au to obtain information relating to the current dates of applications we are sending acknowledgement letters for . This information is updated every Tuesday.Emails sent to this address will only receive an auto response.
This is a private work email address and returned emails will not be answered.You can contactthe Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre now via our website at www.immi.gov.au/contacts/visa-enquiries/professionals.htm 就是这个样子的, AAA是申请人名字,dd/mm/yy是出生年月.那一堆码就是receipt no
回复 #62 yunduo 的帖子
Good,Thank you! 我收到的和yunduo贴出的一样,看来是标准格式的 应该说可以收到这个通知就证明所用邮箱可以正常使用了 才看到这个帖子:victory: :victory:136 紧缺 雅思5.5
回复 #67 棉花糖糖 的帖子
已添加,常来分享信息:lol 谢谢yundo和takedown,真的是做到了"人人为我,我为人人".:victory: 6)ASPC申请费用07年7月1日以前是AUD$1990,7月1日当天及以后签收的都是AUD$2060。
Visa application charges increase on 1 July 2007. The new charges apply only to applications received on or after 1 July 2007.
First instalment Visa Application Charges(VAC)
* For applications where the current VAC is $AUD1990 the new VAC is $AUD2060.
下午2:09分收到扣款短信,1990AUD。:lol2:11分收到confirm 邮件。内容跟yunduo贴出来的一样。
回复 #69 calix 的帖子
不用谢:)takedown 才是真正的厉害,把我们的表格和共享信息做得真好.还有calix的QQ群.
回复 #72 yunduo 的帖子
为人民服务!:lol QQ的通信是加密的,无法通过网络监控获知聊天信息,本地信息文件也必须有密码才能打开,所以比较安全。MSN是明文传输,公司网络上的信息监控可以轻而易举的监控到,所以敏感信息我一般不在MSN上传输。如果一定要用MSN,也有个加密软件,SimpLite-MSN,但需要双方都安装。
回复 #71 takedown 的帖子
我比LZ晚2天签收,MS这几天也该收到扣款短信了。:lol回复 #75 johnnycao 的帖子
136 DIY目前紧缺 6.25签收的,IELTS 6.5回复 #77 halcyonf 的帖子
welcome,是ACS, IEA or TRA? 13时56分收到扣款短信 1990 AUD:lol pls count me in. thanks.取件日期 23 六月 2007
目的地 Adelaide
送达日期 08:53, 27 六月 2007
签收人 Leonie
日期 时间 地点 状态
27 六月 200708:53AdelaideDelivered
27 六月 200706:39AdelaideOut For Delivery
27 六月 200705:13AdelaideImport Received
26 六月 200715:45SydneyConsignment Received At Transit Point
26 六月 200710:22SydneyImport Received
25 六月 200714:59Hong KongConsignment Received At Transit Point
24 六月 200723:26GuangzhouConsignment Received At Transit Point
23 六月 200716:52ChengduShipped From Originating Depot
23 六月 200716:49ChengduConsignment Received At Transit Point
Add group135139@xiaoi.com to your MSN contact list.Welcome.
回复 #81 icepeanuts 的帖子
加了!不习惯使用QQ 欢迎新TZ,信息已更新!感谢icepeanuts建立MSN group! many thanks. 现在是不是收到VAC(无论是汇票还是credit card)后,要给申请者发email?
回复 #85 icepeanuts 的帖子
我是IEA的,谢谢楼主添上 谢谢LZ让我排名第一啊:lol :handshake我雅思6分,清华已经做了 为啥我到现在还么收到扣款Email? .......