sydney harbour bridge 75th celebration
I walked on the drive lanes on sydney harbour bridge last night. it's free experience. i think it's perhaps the only time for me to walk in the middle of the bridge. one time is's perfect time. i enjoyed it. pls reduce your picture to a smaller size because it takes a long time to open it and i think it must take you a long time to upload it, right?and we need more picture!:handshake lz你去的时候咋没人的???
偶去的时候人山人海,颇为壮观 Nice Pic! But why so few people? 偶也帖一张
看这人山人海 偶们是卡片数码相机 天气不好
成像就惨了点 凑合看看
回复 #5 游来游去 的帖子
really 人山人海 哈哈,原来澳洲也有这么热闹的时候。btw, yoyo的丸子很可爱啊。签名档照片也超级喜欢。 借LZ的帖子帖帖我的 晚上的时候组织者发给大家的是橙色的帽子,上面有一盏发光二级管的小灯。从远处看桥上,很是壮观。
白天更有意思,也是帽子,但没灯,而且,最好玩的是。。。。从早上七点到傍晚,几万人一人一顶。。。绿帽子!:lol 澳洲人民是不是全出来了 不容易啊,难得这么多人。 有种从上海的高架看两边的景观建筑的感觉,车道标识很人性。 这绿帽子戴的:funk: