请问在澳的家长: 幼儿园,及小学的数学教育情况是怎样?
请问在澳大利亚的幼儿园地( KINDERGARTEN, PRE-SCHOOL)AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 的数学怎么样?比如,认识数字1-100,1000 以内的加减法等。小学生要学加减,乘除法吗?THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR INFORMATION!!re:our kids would be st...
our kids would be stupid if they could not learn numeracy well.kids will be lessconfident if they are maths illerate.<br><br>I checked that kids from the age of 5 to 8 must learn the fowllowing:<br>
counting, place value, addition &sabtraction, multiplication & Devision, time, length, properties of shape, visualisation & orientation