2021年5月19日Chapter 7 Raising resilient children 培养坚韧的孩子们
When kids have a growth mindset, they see abilities as skills that can be learned and developed. They can work to improve. “I may not be a nature actor, but if I rehearse enough, I can shine on the stage.”
Today the importance of helping kids develop a growth mindset is widely recognized but poorly practiced. When my daughter does well on a test, I still find myself blurting out “great job” rather than “I am glad you tried your hardest.” When parents treat failure as an opportunity to learn rather than an embarrassment to be avoided, kids are more likely to take on challenges. For example, when a kid struggles at match, instead of saying “maybe math isn’t one of your strength”, you should say “the feeling of math being hard is the feeling of your brain growing.” 如今,帮助孩子培养成长心态的重要性已经被广泛认可,但大家在实践中做得并不好,知行存在着明显差距:很多父母和老师知道这个理念,但没有成功地运用它。还有我自己,尽管我尽了最大努力,但有时也做得不够好。当女儿在考试中取得好成绩时,我仍会脱口而出“干得好”而不是“我很高兴你尽了自己最大努力”
Chapter 7 Raising resilient children 培养坚韧的孩子们
For the painful milestone, we worry about talking about it will make us sad, but it is mostly a pleasant state, after people reflect on an event, they tend to feel happier and more connected to others. 我想让他们知道,他们应该尊重自己的感情,不要试图压抑它们。我们一起写道:“可以悲伤,可以停止任何活动,哭一场;可以对依然有爸爸的朋友、表兄弟姐妹和堂兄弟姐妹感到嫉妒和愤怒;可以对任何人说,我不想现在谈这件事。他们应该知道这不是我们应受的惩罚。”我希望孩子在暂时摆脱悲伤的时候,一定不要有内疚感,所以,我们约定可以开心欢笑。人们经常对孩子的复原力感到吃惊。从神经学来讲,儿童比成年人更具神经可塑性,因此他们的大脑在面对压力时更容易适应。卡罗尔告诉我,儿童一次能够处理的强烈情绪的量是有限的,他们的“情感跨度”比较短,悲痛更多是爆发性的,并不持久。孩子有时会通过行为改变和玩耍来表达他们的悲痛,而不是通过语言。就像卡罗尔告诉我的,我的孩子会非常快地陷入悲痛,然后非常快地跳脱出来;他们一会儿哭泣,一会儿又跑去玩了。
Photos are important because happiness is remembered, not just experienced. Video is also precious as you can see the movement.