Chapter 6 Taking back joy 重拾快乐
Playing music at the edge of our capabilities is what psychologist call a “just manageable difficulty” . It requires all of our attention, giving us no room to think about anything else.
Exercise is also another form of flow, working out may even be as effective as talking an anti-depressant. 演奏音乐这类事情需要我们全神贯注,没有精力产生杂念。很多人都能回想起心流状态带来的极乐感受——心流状态就是全身心沉浸在所做的事情中的状态。心流研究先驱者米哈里·契克森米哈赖发现,处于心流状态中的人并不感到快乐,他们过于投入,只是在事后会认为当时是快乐的。
Chapter 7 Raising resilient children 培养坚韧的孩子们
We all want to raise resilient kids so they can overcome obstacles big and small. Resilience leads to greater happiness, more success, and better health. Resilience is not a fixed personality trait, it’s a lifelong project.
Don’t make a false promise that you could live forever, but rather explain to them that it was very unusually for someone to die so young. Mostly, to say over and over that you loved them and we would get through this together.
We can start by helping children develop four core beliefs: 1)they have some control over their lives, 2)they can learn from failure, 3)they matter as human beings, 4)and they have real strengths to rely on and share. 培养韧性取决于孩子所拥有的机会和他们与父母、照料者、教师、朋友之间的关系。我们可以从帮助孩子形成4个核心理念开始:(1)他们对自己的生活具有一些掌控力;(2)他们能够从失败中学习;(3)作为人类,他们的存在很重要;(4)他们具有可依赖、可分享的真正的优势