2021年5月9日Chapter 3 The platinum rule of friendship 友谊的白金法则
Sometimes, instead of talking and offering help, just do something, do something physically, the burger story, the sitting downstairs and waiting story. “Some things in life cannot be fixed. They can only be carried. “ 什么都别问,去做些什么吧。
Ring theory, write down the ring of people which are impacted. Offer comfort in the inside ring but you can also seek comfort from the outside circle.心理学家苏珊·希尔克的观点非常有帮助,她发明了“圆环定理”(ring theory)。在这个定理中,苏珊建议,先写下处于悲剧中心的那个人的名字,然后画一个圆环把名字包围其中。再在外围画一个更大的圆环,在第二个圆环里写下受悲剧事件影响仅次于第一个人的名字。接下去,再根据受影响的程度持续画圆写名字。希尔克在写给调解师巴里·高得曼的信中说:“画完时,你就有了一张牢骚顺序图。”
First spend more time with friends and family, try to survival, been carried , then they are able to absorb and carry the anguish and anger. Later it will be up to the person over time to realise some important factor in happiness. 现在,我开始花更多时间与好友和家人在一起。他们身体力行,教会了我使用白金法则。首先,要活下去。和他们在一起,我才是我自己,他们能忍受我的情绪,并帮助我体会恐惧与愤怒。后来,白金法则变成我的主动选择。这些人际关系中的起起伏伏,大多数人都会经历。随着日渐成熟,人们会聚焦在更小范围、更有意义的人际关系圈上,而且友谊的质量远比其数量重要
Chapter 4 Self compassion and self confidence 自我同情与自信
Self-compassion means we offer the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to a friend, it allows us to respond to our own errors with concern and understanding rather than criticism and shame. It’s about making sure that we don’t beat ourselves up so badly that we damage our future.自我同情(self-compassion)这个概念被谈论得不多,也许是因为人们常常把它和它那些难搞的“表亲”混淆,比如自怜(self-pity)、自我放纵(self-indulgence)。心理学家克里斯汀·聂夫认为,自我同情就是将给予朋友的那份善意给予自己,自我同情让我们带着关心和理解去处理自己的错误,而不是一味自责和羞愧。
The loss of confidence is another symptom of pervasiveness: we are struggling in one area and suddenly we stop believing in our capabilities in other areas. Primary loss triggers secondary losses.责怪自己的行为而非人格,会让我们感到内疚,而不是耻辱。幽默作家厄纳·邦贝克开玩笑说,内疚是“让我们不断为他人付出的礼物”。尽管内疚很难被甩掉,它却能让我们一直努力改进,让我们更有动力去修正过去的错误,在未来做出更好的选择。但是,耻辱则会产生相反的效应——它让我们感到渺小、微不足道,让我们更容易恼怒,更有攻击性,或者变得越来越自卑自怜