网站: www.aladen.com.au
电话: 0484 775 888 (Max)
电子邮件: sales@aladen.com.au
Are electricians ACMA approved?
Electricians study for years then undergo an apprenticeship to train on power cabling systems. However, not every electrician is a certified ACMA cabling technician as the ACMA licensing is a separate scheme. When you engage an Electrician to perform duties on your phone lines or internet cabling, what you need to do first is to check if they hold a current restricted or open ACMA cabling license.
Customers who have the demand for communication cables and equipment installation need to pay attention to Australian industry regulations. It is because electricians who do not hold a corresponding Cabler Licence to operate, alert and install access controls,not only the technician but also property owners will face heavy fines and detention.
At Aladen, what we offer to our customers is professional ACMA technicians and cost-effective service. If you are planning to install or upgrade your security system, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Website: www.aladen.com.au
Mobile: 0414080222 (English) 0484775888 (Chinese)
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