月桂女神达芙妮Laurel Goddess
上大学时,最喜欢穿的鞋子品牌是达芙妮。 有人说一代鞋王达芙妮宣布“彻底退出中高档品牌的实体零售业务”时,瞬间理解是“爷青结”。不禁想到了这位被称作月桂女神的达芙妮。百度上的版本,很完整。
可是达芙妮却很不高兴的说:「走开!我讨厌爱情!离我远一点儿!」说著,就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去 。
可是阿波罗对于追求达芙妮并不灰心,他拿著竖琴,弹出优美的曲子。不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声, 都会情不自禁的走到他面前聆听他的演奏。
阿波罗在后面苦苦追赶,并且大声叫喊:「我又不是你的仇人,也不是凶猛的野兽 ,更不是无理取闹的莽汉,你为什么要躲避我?」
尽管阿波罗在后面不停的对达芙妮呼喊, 达芙妮仍然当作没听到,继续往前飞奔。
不过,达芙妮跑得再快,也跑不过阿波罗。跑了好一阵子, 达芙妮已经跑得筋疲力尽,上气不接下气。
最后她倒在地上,眼看阿波罗就要追上了, 达芙妮急得大叫:「救命啊!救命啊!」
只见达芙妮的秀发变成了树叶,手腕变成了树枝,两条腿变成了树干,两只脚和脚趾变成了树根, 深深的扎入土里。
他很痴情的对月桂树说: 「你虽然没能成为我的妻子,但是我会永远爱着你。
这种植物,让我想起了一个人,一段话。 Apollo and Daphne
In Greek Mythology, APOLLO was the God of Light, and it was his job to pull the sun across the sky in his 4-horse chariot every day. He has also been referred to as the God of music, poetry, art, medicine, knowledge, plague and archery.
Apollo was the son of ZEUS (the God of Thunder) and Leto. He had a twin sister, ARTEMIS, who was the Goddess of Hunting.
Apollo was also famous for being an oracular god, and had two cults in Delphi and Delos. People would come from all over the world to learn from Apollo what their future held. It was believed that, as the God of both medicine and plague, Apollo could heal people as well as cause disease by shooting people with his arrows.
Daphne was a Naiad Nymph in Greek Mythology, and was the daughter of a river god. She was famous for being incredibly beautiful and for catching the eye of Apollo. However, Daphne was determined to remain unmarried and untouched by a man by the rest of her life.
Greek Mythology states that Apollo had been mocking the God of Love, Eros (also known as Cupid). In retaliation, Eros fired two arrows: a gold arrow that struck Apollo and made him fall in love with Daphne, and a lead arrow that made Daphne hate Apollo. Under the spell of the arrow, Apollo continued to follow Daphne, but she continued to reject him. Apollo told Daphne that he would love her forever.
Daphne turned to the river god, Peneus, and pleaded for him to free her from Apollo. In response, Peneus use metamorphosis to turn Daphne into a laurel tree. Apollo used his powers of eternal youth and immortality to make Daphne’s laurel leaves evergreen. It’s believed that Daphne has to sacrifice her body and turn into a tree as this was the only way she could avoid Apollo’s sexual advances.
Further Facts About Apollo and Daphne:
After Daphne had been transformed into a Laurel, Apollo made the plant sacred and vowed to wear it as clothing.
Eros fired the two arrows into Apollo and Daphne because Apollo had been making fun of him. Apollo had recently been victorious and won Python, an earth dragon, and told Eros that his godly talents were useless compared to his own.
Eros fired the arrows from the top of Mount Parnassus.
In the Greek language, the word for ‘Laurel’ is ‘Daphne’.
The Laurel became the symbol of Apollo and the symbol of poetry.
Every 4 years, a Laurel wreath would be given to winner of the Pythian Games. These Games were held in honour of Apollo.
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<a href="https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/myths/apollo-and-daphne/">Apollo and Daphne: https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net</a> - Greek Gods & Goddesses, November 30, 2016
月桂女神 - S.H.E
传说漫长 浩瀚如史诗般
记在这段 惶惶不安
颜色金黄 阿波罗的光芒
却比不上 达芙妮的勇敢
没有一种爱可以 在自由 之上
达芙妮的伤 化身 月桂树 倔强
月桂树飘香 那夜风恋月光
我的爱 很不一样
素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆
坚持 自己喜欢
月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光
我要 有话就讲
无边的海洋 那辽阔的想象
比谁 都不平凡
森林河畔 阿波罗在追赶
哭着戴上 达芙妮的桂冠
被束缚的爱 已经 没有了 温暖
达芙妮的伤 心疼 千年间流传
月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光
我的爱 很不一样
素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆
坚持 自己喜欢
月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光
我要 有话就讲
无边的海洋 那辽阔的想象
比谁 都不平凡
爱摇晃 爱靠岸
我航向了前方 寻找桂冠
月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光
我的爱 很不一样
素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆
坚持 自己喜欢
月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光
我要 有话就讲
无边的海洋 那辽阔的想象
比谁 都不平凡
月桂树漂香 那夜风恋月光
我的爱 很不一样
素净的脸上 从不抹浓妆
坚持 自己喜欢
月桂树漂香 云缠绕星光
我要 有话就讲
无边的海洋 那辽阔的想象
比谁 都不平凡 很好玩的故事,一个教训,得罪谁也不要得罪拿弓箭的小屁孩{:9_566:}{:9_566:} 达芙妮鞋子据说不太行了。我比较喜欢teenix,美貌和舒适兼具 阿弥 发表于 11-10-2020 19:11
是的,达芙妮经过起落落落落…… 现在已经完全要消失了。
后来转粉百丽,再后来也是Teenmix。 确实是颜值舒适智慧并存