curfew ----宵禁
古装剧中总有各种打更情节,据说是:汉朝把五个时辰单独拿出来,作为夜间时间段,叫“五更”,夜间巡夜的更夫“打更”报时。更夫类似于现代联防队员,除了报时,还有监督“火灾、偷盗、地震”等等意外的责任。去年热播的古装hollywood 大片长安十二时辰也是在元宵节晚上取消宵禁。
early 14c., curfeu, "evening signal, ringing of a bell at a fixed hour" as a signal to extinguish fires and lights, from Anglo-French coeverfu (late 13c.), from Old French cuevrefeu, literally "cover fire" (Modern French couvre-feu), from cuevre, imperative of covrir "to cover" (see cover (v.)) + feu "fire" (see focus (n.)). Related: Curfew-bell (early 14c.).
The medieval practice of ringing a bell (usually at 8 or 9 p.m.) as an order to bank the hearths and prepare for sleep was to prevent conflagrations from untended fires. The modern extended sense of "periodic restriction of movement" had evolved by 1800s.
所以也是,到了晚间 cover一下 fire, 大概是“天干物燥,小心火烛”?
难啊,这个时候不容易啊 《长安十二时辰》在SBS On Demand能看到全集。我本来几乎不看大陆拍的电视剧,看到这部口碑还不错,所以就打算binge一把。看到第二季实在看不下去了。实事求是讲,演员都还不错,服美道具可看性很高,但是故事编到最后实在太放飞自我了。原先看最初几集时,觉得它能比那部过誉的《24小时》强,到最后发现也不行。