下午茶时间 —— 香蕉蛋糕
新鲜出炉,好吃:happy:楼主,来一份:yct_15 我做过几次蛋糕,都不太成功 {:9_595:} 妮南 发表于 1-10-2018 19:53
是鸡蛋没打发好吧 我的香蕉蛋糕:
enjoy! 我爱猫眯 发表于 1-10-2018 20:29
可能吧,要向你学习。 妮南 发表于 1-10-2018 19:53
我给你配方: (看这里, 有录像:https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/banana_bread/)
这个配方, 保证成功!
2 to 3 very ripe bananas, peeled
1/3 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
3/4 cup sugar (1/2 cup if you would like it less sweet, 1 cup if more sweet)
1 large egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan.
2 In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until completely smooth. Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas.
3 Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract. Mix in the flour.
4 Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour at 350°F (175°C), or until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
5 Remove from oven and let cool in the pan for a few minutes. Then remove the banana bread from the pan and let cool completely before serving. Slice and serve. (A bread knife helps to make slices that aren't crumbly.)
糖高不高。。黄油多少。。我减肥:yct_5 糖不多,现在不喜欢吃甜的东西了。澳洲的糕点齁死人{:9_580:}。
我觉得蛋糕发的好不好不在配比,在于鸡蛋的打发程度。 我爱猫眯 发表于 2-10-2018 07:09
要是不放黄油。。也不放泡打粉。。。就全靠您家的鸡蛋了 {:9_541:} chubbycat 发表于 2-10-2018 07:23