【居一隅】Reading for Information/本坛书籍个人品读体验 ---- 庆祝书屋开张
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 15-9-2018 13:14 编辑:) 庆祝书屋开张,支持持笔耕耘的才子才女们 :congra :congra :congra 开张大吉
[*]先三言两语笔记 Harvard Medical School (哈佛医学院) 和 Mayo Clinic (一个美国医学研究机构)的观点来 分享
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-9-2018 16:51 编辑
Core strength
-- core muscles, the ones in the back, sides, pelvis and buttocks
-- the group of muscles --> stabilises and controls the pelvis and spine --> therefore influences upper body as well as legs
-- core strength is less about power but more about the subtleties of being able to maintain the body in ideal postures
-- a good core program --> less on mindless repetition but focusing more on activating the required muscle groups (basic movements: sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts, squats, lunges) , improving the postures in walking, driving, and sitting
For a healthier heart
-- measure blood pressure in both arms. A difference of 10 point or more means a 38% greater chance of having a heart attack
-- if you're taking daily aspirin for your heart, you're better off with chewable baby aspirin, not coated.
-- Saturated fat (in butter and red meat) can harm both memory and artery health while monosaturated fats (in olive oil and fish) improve both ...
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 17-9-2018 10:20 编辑
Two gentle exercises Tai Chi & Yoga
-- therapeutic factors are interwoven and synergistic, producing a variety of effects
-- mind-body; similarly, improved posture has benefits that extend well beyond class --> daily walk & sit etc
Whole grains associated with longevity
-- regularly eating whole grains can help lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, is associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome
Gait affects balance
-- gait encompasses the many distinct features that make up the way a person walks. It includes pacing, the length of the stride, the swing of the leg to put the foot forward, the shift of balance from one leg to the other, how the foot is planted (toe first, heel first), and how the weight is distributed through the step. 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 17-9-2018 08:22 编辑
Brain Health
-- stress, over the long term, can affect how the brain functions, interfere with cognition (disorganised), attention, memory (forgetful), mood and anxiety = Alzheimer's disease / dementia; promoting inflammation --> adversely affects heart health = multiple chronic diseases of the brain and heart
-- protect the brain from damaging stress/chronic stress/ (a good night's sleep, create a concrete list of tasks daily, reach out for help, strive for healthier responses to stress
Warning signs of Alzheimer's disease
-- trouble remembering things first in short-term memory then long-term memory is impaired; completing routine daily tasks become much more challenging
-- mood or personality changes from social & outgoing to withdrawn; stubborn, distrustful, angry, depressed, loss of interest in hobby, a change in appetite, insomnia, sleeping too much, lack of energy, hopelessness
-- language challenges: from difficulty finding words to reading or writing is impaired; impaired judgement: trouble making decisions
-- unusual behavior: wander, agitated, hide things, overly suspicious, engage in unsafe behaviors
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-9-2018 20:41 编辑
joint pain/replacement
-- The right exercises performed properly/gentle on the joints - a long-lasting way to subdue ankle, knee, hip, shoulder pain; delay or sidestep surgery
-- Carve out the time (half a workout in the morning & half in the evening), get moving.
-- Every surgical procedure carries the risk of complications - stick with your own joints, but if it's physically, mentally, and emotionally wearing your down, then have it done. The average joint replacement lasts only 10 to 15 years.
-- Losing weight beforehand can reduce the risk of having complications from surgery.
-- If any movement hurts, stop doing it right away - taking care when using joints
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-9-2018 21:12 编辑
aging face - simply Celebrating our age and appearance for what they are
-- Much of the damage comes from the UVA part of the light spectrum - put on sunscreen with SPF of 30 for indoor or higher for outdoor, wearing a wide-brimmed hat =the single best way of protecting it from the sun
-- creams and lotions may help bind water to the skin / the most effective and reliable regimen is quick and inexpensive
-- clean skin: dry skin = Dove, Cetaphil, Aveeno soaps, cleansers, avoid toners which contain alcohol; oily skin, choose a soap
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-9-2018 21:26 编辑
building up strong bones
-- at age 30, a start of losing bone density. By 65 men and women lose bone mass at the same rate (women lose up to 20% in 5-7 years after menopause).
-- too little body fat --> more likely to get osteoporosis / common medications that lead to bone loss
-- moving more --> decrease the risk of a debilitating spine or hip fracture by as much as 50% // strength training and balance exercises for bone health
-- veggies that are high in calcium
-- too much protein can cause calcium to leave your bones 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-9-2018 14:36 编辑
https://www.mayoclinic.org/ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-9-2018 09:24 编辑
@annahw 的 Yoga: the path to holistic health / Lyengar / DK (Doling Kindersley/specialising in illustrated reference books) (2001,2008)
虽说对瑜伽有一点了解, 但从没有究其根源,所以谢谢annahw。第一次知道了这个瑜伽名人,第一次听说这个出版社。
[*]the life story of Lyengar
[*]Yoga for health & fitness, free from stress
[*]mind & the body
[*]classic postures; chap.5 poses for stress reduction (food & nurishment) ; ...
了解瑜伽动作极好的,因为总计400多页中300多页从第四章开始是各个动作的介绍,专攻画类出版社出版。瑜伽有着古老的历史, 而此书2001年第一版,显然使用了很多当代的概念,比如‘holistic'(如果奔着这个概念去读的话,可能会失望),而这个概念体现在文中就是 'mind & body', 有一页是涉及食物的。
@春浅 的 ‘口述历史’概念: 第一次听说这个词, 斟酌对比几本相关的书籍后选中牛津大学出版的 Oral History/Patricia Leavy (2011) 来读
[*]Oral history was established in 1948 as a modern technique for historical documentation, a method of qualitative interview that emphasise participants' perspectives, generally involves multiple open-ended interview sessions with each participant; a multidisciplinary method used in the humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary fields (culturral studeis, gender studies, feminism studies). a method of collecting narratives from individuals for the purpose of research. Examples: historians use it as a means of documenting and preserving/filling in the historical record; anthropologists aims at understanding different cultures from the perspectives of the people enmeshed within those contexts; sociologists use it as a means of linking individual (macro levle) experiences with cutlural, historical or structural (macro levle) phenomena. (community oral history project)
[*]Research design: there are no cookie-cutter research design strategies that can simply be followed and assessed by predetermined criteria.
[*] Topic selection: oral history interviews are useful for gathering data about a wide range of topics; people's firsthand experiences with histroical or current events. (Experienced researchers formulate research questions prior to conducting a literature review; whereas, a general topic --> literature review)
[*]Literture review: (p.29chapter downloaded) look for what research has already and not been done on your chosen topic, accordingly naarrow down yr topic into a research purpose statement and your guiding research question(s).
[*]A write-up methodology: which heading? methods or research methods refer to data collection tools. Procedures is arguably a broader term referring to what research tools were used, and what steps were followed - quantitative research. Methodology is a better choice or choose a journal article to follow.
[*]This section answers what did you aim to do? and how did you do it? Also requires 'full disclosure' and 'transparency', a clear and multidimensional picture should be painted.
对比其他的已读的同类出版作品,此书随以‘口述历史’为主题, 实际是对所有人文历史社科等很多领域的‘qualitative research'思路和指导颇为清楚和可操作入门书籍,正如书的副标题所示。以专业角度看, 打分入门级的9/10, 一分之减是因为对Oral History 这样研究方法独特处阐述不够明确;如果以'interview'采访形式为主的话,可能要加看专门的’‘采访’‘类书籍。
M版上茶~ 我也上茶上茶 年版好专业
除了年版,还有老麦,topguner, keep dancing, 都是专业英语人才
还有很多人,英语始终是他们的 pain point
MICHELLE07 发表于 12-9-2018 18:21
呼唤年版和anna教我...... MICHELLE07 发表于 12-9-2018 18:21
成就事情总是要有个过程,义务工的大家多是要身兼数职的, 发展可能急不来。
我也是觉得做特色的是个突破口,比如这个书友版;的确,我自己很多年的观察,即使美加那边也是没有英语方面的,所以英语还是有潜力的, 只是要得力互动的一组人(我欠缺互动),@annahw 很难得。
yearshappy 发表于 14-9-2018 21:37
成就事情总是要有个过程,义务工的大家多是要身兼数职的, 发展可能急不来。
我也是觉得做特色的是个 ...
互动,我肯定鼎力参与。 yearshappy 发表于 14-9-2018 21:37
成就事情总是要有个过程,义务工的大家多是要身兼数职的, 发展可能急不来。
我也是觉得做特色的是个 ...
yping88 看美剧学英语就挺好的
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 15-9-2018 13:12 编辑
MICHELLE07 发表于 15-9-2018 09:32
yping88 看美 ...
极好的主意,请 @yping88 来说说