drlizheng1 发表于 6-3-2017 17:45:46


Subclass 155 Resident Return visa

You might be able to be granted this visa if you:
•have spent a period totalling two years in the last five years in Australia as either an Australian permanent resident or citizen (the 'residence requirement').
•have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but can satisfy the processing officer that you have substantial business, cultural, employment or personal ties of benefit to Australia, and:
◦are lodging while in Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
◦are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen when you last departed Australia and can show compelling reasons for any continuous absence from Australia of more than five years;
◦are lodging while overseas, were a permanent resident or citizen in the last 10 years and can show compelling reasons for absence(s) over five years;
•have not spent two of the last five years in Australia as a permanent resident or citizen, but are members of the family unit of a person who holds a subclass 155 visa, or who has also applied for a Resident Return visa and satisfies criteria for grant.
1.关于移民局的要求,我有点看不明白,如果住不够两年,那几个more than five years的理由是说如果过去五年全都没在澳洲才需要提供compelling reasons吗?那如果每年都去澳洲几周,但是没住够两年,是不是就不用提供那几个compelling reasons了?只需要提供那个几种substantial ties就行了?
2.关于employment ties,如果我找到一个澳洲的公司,雇佣我在中国开展业务或者办事,所以没有经常在澳洲,是不是就可以了?
3.关于personal ties,如果我在澳洲买了房,是不是就可以算在personal ties,虽然我可能并不回去住?
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