请教万能的网友,我听说入籍后如果没有申请澳洲护照,而且中国护照还在有效期内的话,还可以继续使用中国护照是吗?谢谢大家。 本帖最后由 西澳海豚 于 25-3-2016 14:08 编辑入籍之後,你(所有的)签证都将作废,你无法以他国护照出入境澳洲海关。
我只是跟你说------依法~依法! Entering and leaving Australia
All Australians, including dual nationals, should leave and enter Australia on their Australian passport.
If you have a passport from another country you can use that for travel once you have left Australia.
People trying to enter Australia as an Australian citizen but without an Australian passport will face difficulties and delays.
An Australian passport is the preferred and most conclusive proof of Australian citizenship when travelling.
International airlines have an obligation to carry only appropriately documented passengers to Australia.
Appropriate documentation for Australian nationals is an Australian passport.
Appropriate documentation for a foreign national is a visa to enter Australia. If an Australian national attempts to board a flight to
Australia without an Australian passport, airlines will likely be unable to verify their claim to Australian citizenship at the time of check-in
and may refuse boarding. See the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website for further information on citizenship and travel.
Entering and leaving your country of other nationality
Dual nationals may choose to enter and leave the country of their other nationality on that country's passport.
If planning to do this, dual nationals should be aware that some countries impose specific restrictions on their departing nationals,
such as the requirement for an exit visa in their passport.
Be aware that, if you enter your country of other nationality on that country’s passport,
local authorities might not recognise your Australian nationality, even if that country recognises dual nationality.
This may limit the ability of the Australian government to provide consular assistance.
而承认双重国籍的国家,出入澳洲(澳洲护照),出入台湾(台湾护照),两本一起用,有点麻烦! 以前的帖子里多次谈论过这样的事,尽管不合法但是有人是这样用的。
这样做有点心存侥幸的感觉,最好按照要求做。 错 中国护照有效期 但上面已经没有有效的签证了
会很麻烦 你就是个外国人在中国 没申请中国签证
don't do it. it's all traceable now.
just get an AU passport and chinese visa. it's pretty easy.
If emergency, shanghai, beijing and guangzhou now offer 144 hours visa-free transit. jgpyjwc 发表于 25-3-2016 22:34
你就是个外国人在中国 没申请中国签证
弱弱地问,中国海关怎么知道我已经加入澳洲籍了呢? 浮云云艾米莉 发表于 26-3-2016 20:43
don't do it. it's all traceable now.
just get an AU passport and chinese visa. it's pretty easy.
谢谢,就是说如果事情紧急,我们可以不提前申请中国签证,而回到中国之后在海关申请了? 进出中国应该没问题,出入澳洲好像也应该可以,因为澳洲是允许双国籍的,中国不知道你已经入澳大利亚籍,还是按你护照上的签证对待 sashawang 发表于 27-3-2016 22:29
不是。我说的这个是 transit visa.
如果有紧急事情,你可以定票去韩国或者日本,中间在中国转机144 hours, 这样不需要签证
转机免签这个政策很早就有了,最近北上广增加到144 hours,以前是72 hours
Just get an Australian passport and play by the rules. 谢谢分享