EA 的國際協議認可資格疑問及職業評估疑問
本帖最后由 gegataco 于 30-7-2015 16:29 编辑1 請問有沒有前輩知道,如果是华盛顿协议的話, 那還需要提交CDR嗎?因為不提交CDR 的話 要怎麼證明工作的年資呢?
看了好多次MSA BOOKLET ,都沒有清楚的提到職業年資怎麼認證的 ?
2 另外請問 本科工程是要怎麼去比對我的學校所學的程目呢?
o 澳大利亚本地本科学历和部分经过EA认证的工程硕士学历- 可评估professional engineer, engineering technologist, and engineering associate
o 华盛顿协议-可评估professional engineer
o 悉尼协议-可评估Engineering Technologist
o 都柏林协议-评估engineering associate
(2) 非国际协议认可的资格评估-通过提交CDR能力证明报告 (目前所有中国工科学士学历都属于此类)
o申请者是否达到澳洲对应职业类别的能力标准 职业评估和工作年资互不相干的,如果你是华盛顿协议,可以只做职业评估,不需要CDR也不需要summary list(这两项最难),其他资料差不多,就可以通过评估了,协议类评估时间更快。
课程无法对比,不过可以去澳洲大学的网站上查看相关学位课程,看看相似度多少,不过一般评EA的职业,你的major是什么就是什么,比如说civil engineering就会评作civil engineer或者structural engineer之类的 另外需要注意的是英国的bachelor不能直接评professional engineer,以前CO给我发过一个电邮说他们查了系统说英国的bachelor of engineering要等同于澳大利亚本地本科学历是需要further leaning的,比较如英国的bachelor + master连读课程,或者bachelor毕业之后再读了master等等。光光英国的三年bachelor最多评作Engineering Technologist。
我想其他国家的三年本科也都是同样的问题。 happycory 发表于 30-7-2015 19:25
职业评估和工作年资互不相干的,如果你是华盛顿协议,可以只做职业评估,不需要CDR也不需要summary list( ...
謝謝你的回覆 。以我的理解 ,是不是如下呢?
職業評估 : EA
工作年資評定 :EOI 提交時 (工作证明信,雇主推荐信,工资单,税单)
我大學四年制是 電機工程系 畢業 (electrical engineering) ,
工作經歷是 2003.04-2007.04 電源工程師(筆記型電腦電源)
2007.10-2008.09 零件工程師 (筆電的choke)
2009-2015 EE 高級專員 (筆記型電腦hardware)
這樣以我學位本科的話 應該是233311(electrical engineer) ,
但我的工作經驗的話應該屬於233411(electronic engineer) ,
如果真被EA 評出233311 的時後 ,那我的八年工作年資不就沒辨法加15分了呢?
還是如果我EA 申請評估 233914 (Engineering Technologist)會比較好走的路呢?目的是以拿到pr為主 。
gegataco 发表于 31-7-2015 16:36
謝謝你的回覆 。以我的理解 ,是不是如下呢?
electrical & electronic 属于closely related industries,所以评eletrical,你8年的年资都会被承认的 happycory 发表于 31-7-2015 22:32
electrical & electronic 属于closely related industries,所以评eletrical,你8年的年资都会被承认的
請問一下electrical & electronic 属于closely related industries
這個是從那一份文件上看到electrical & electronic算是相關類型的工作呢?可以分享一下文件連結嗎?
因為想要一次搞定,怕申請錯了 , 年紀分數又要降低了。
謝謝 gegataco 发表于 4-8-2015 12:00
請問一下electrical & electronic 属于closely related industries
這個是從那一份 ...
你可以去查看electrical & electronic engineer的ANZCO描述 本帖最后由 gegataco 于 4-8-2015 18:18 编辑
happycory 发表于 4-8-2015 12:10
你可以去查看electrical & electronic engineer的ANZCO描述
因為查過ANZSCO 的工作內容描述 , 所以才覺得納悶,
而 我的工作性質都是computer 類的設計 ,所以應該只能算是233411 的職業類別嗎 。
如果EA 評估我成233311的話我的八年工作經驗不是就不能承認了?
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS design, develop and supervise the manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment, machines and systems for the generation, distribution, utilisation and control of electric power.
Indicative Skill Level:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing may be required.
Tasks Include:
planning and designing power stations and power generation equipment
determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and other equipment
developing products such as electric motors, components, equipment and appliances
interpreting specifications, drawings, standards and regulations relating to electric power equipment and use
organising and managing resources used in the supply of electrical components, machines, appliances and equipment
establishing delivery and installation schedules for machines, switchgear, cables and fittings
supervising the operation and maintenance of power stations, transmission and distribution systems and industrial plants
designing and installing control and signalling equipment for road, rail and air traffic
may specialise in research in areas such as power generation and transmission systems, transformers, switchgear and electric motors, telemetry and control systems
233311 Electrical Engineer
Designs, develops and supervises the manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment, machines and systems for the generation, distribution, utilisation and control of electric power. Registration or licensing may be required.
Skill Level: 1
Electrical Design Engineer
Railway Signalling Engineer
Signalling and Communications Engineer
ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS design, develop, adapt, install, test and maintain electronic components, circuits and systems used for computer systems, communication systems, entertainment, transport and other industrial applications.
Indicative Skill Level:
In Australia and New Zealand:
Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing may be required.
Tasks Include:
designing electronic components, circuits and systems used for computer, communication and control systems, and other industrial applications
designing software, especially embedded software, to be used within such systems
developing apparatus and procedures to test electronic components, circuits and systems
supervising installation and commissioning of computer, communication and control systems, and ensuring proper control and protection methods
establishing and monitoring performance and safety standards and procedures for operation, modification, maintenance and repair of such systems
designing communications bearers based on wired, optical fibre and wireless communication media
analysing communications traffic and level of service, and determining the type of installation, location, layout and transmission medium for communication systems
designing and developing signal processing algorithms and implementing these through appropriate choice of hardware and software
233411 Electronics Engineer
Designs, develops, adapts, installs, tests and maintains electronic components, circuits and systems used for computer systems, communication systems, entertainment, transport and other industrial applications. Registration or licensing may be required.
Skill Level: 1
Communications Engineer (Army)
================================================================================================================================================ EA是按本科课程来评估的,所以。。。。
工作内容可以自己调节一下,没关系的,不管是software 还是 hardware,不管是design 还是practical,我觉得都是closely related work experience。 这个主题好,请问下,有哪位知道澳洲的PE可以和加拿大的PE直接互转么?大部分走EA的评估完了以后应该是属于PE这类的吧,多谢多谢:victory: