本帖最后由 Steven_Luo 于 19-5-2015 22:57 编辑本人登陆布里斯班接近两个月了,今天在研究驾照考试流程,在这里做个笔记,也顺便分享给有需要的朋友。
How to apply for a Queensland driver licence
You can apply for a Queensland driver licence for the same class as your interstate or foreign licence by visiting a Transport and Main Roads customer service centre or, if you live in a rural area, a QGAP office or a police station.
Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre,这个可以就近选择一个,但是只有工作日上班。我选的是
city Elizabeth street上的那家
Make sure you meet the minumum age limit for the type of Queensland licence you are applying for.
You will need to:
1. complete the driver licence application (F3000)
2. if you are transferring from a foreign licence—bring your foreign driver licence and a recognised English translation (if needed) from a translator approved by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)
3. if you are transferring from an interstate licence—bring your interstate licence because you will have to hand it in to get your Queensland licence
4. bring your evidence of identity documents, including proof that you live in Queensland
5. declare that you are medically fit to drive the class of vehicle (you may need to provide a medical certificate that states that you are medically fit to drive.)
6. pay the licence fee—the cost will depend on how long you want your Queensland driver licence for. If you have more than 6 weeks left on your interstate licence, you will get a Queensland licence with the same expiry as your interstate licence at no charge.
When you have been issued with a Queensland driver licence you can no longer drive with your interstate or overseas licence in Queensland.
1. F3000表格表格上比较复杂的地方就是Envidence of Identify,需要提供相关身份证明文件。有效证明文件链接如下:
2. 国内驾照原件和翻译件
3. interstate license, 大陆的不算,悲催。。。
4. 又提到EOI,和F3000表格一样就行
5. F3000表格里面没有特殊需要就不用准备
6. 这个就不用说了,缴费
If your driver licence has been issued in a country not listed, you will need to pass a written road rules test and practical driving test to get a Queensland driver licence.
From 1 January 2014 if you hold a foreign licence and you fail a practical driving test, your authority to drive on your foreign licence will be withdrawn.
You will be able to use your foreign licence for the next practical driving test you take. If you need to practise before taking your next test you will have to get a Queensland learner licence.
如果一次考不过,需要先申请一个L license用来练车,没有这个L牌,用国内驾照开车就算是无证驾驶了
以上是我准备材料过程中的理解,等明天去报名后如果有变化,再及时更新 :) interstate是指澳洲的其它州的驾照,没啥悲催或被鄙视的。。。 QLD, 考试不通过, 你的国际驾照在QLD被临时吊销,再开车相当于无证驾驶,所以不要乱建议。。。 至于警察能否查到,另当别论。
临时吊销拿了L牌,再通过路考也可以换Full licence. LZ,请问国内驾照用淘宝上NAATI翻译可以吗? sylar_yu 发表于 11-5-2015 10:29
QLD, 考试不通过, 你的国际驾照在QLD被临时吊销,再开车相当于无证驾驶,所以不要乱建议。。。 至于警察能 ...
我也是后来才知道 cocoli2011 发表于 11-5-2015 14:05