如题,明天想去图书馆看看,在网上搜到貌似昆士兰州立图书馆不错,想去看看,想问问,布里斯班有几个图书馆?免费进入吧?能借书吗?借书需要什么手续?如果能介绍点布里斯班近的交通比较方便的景点就更感谢了。暂时不打算去远的地方,也没有车,只有一双脚和 GO CARD , 有好的去处恳请推荐了 Free entry to library, you can apply a library card with your photo ID, free too. books are free to borrow for 4 weeks and can be extended for another two weeks. If you are in the city, then you can walk in the city, pretty small and south bank along the river. 请问,在哪个网站可以找到图书馆的分布位置,我住在underwood ,想在周围找个图书馆