想让娃娃读oberthur primary school
很想让女儿去读oberthur primary school,因为里面的中文program。不知道谁家娃儿在这个学校的,感觉如何呢? 没有送去,看了看网站上的介绍,基本上就是个花架子,学的东西可能还没在家学的多,效果应该赶不上丢回国在纯中文环境里待上几个月。如果这么看重中文学习,就提前定school holiday的机票,一放假就让小孩回中国学习就行了。 Oberthur Primary School commenced an excellent and successful Chinese Language and Culture orientated program in 2005. Currently the school is running three parallel Chinese programs to cater for students from Pre-primary to Year 7. The classroom learning program includes on-line learning and interactive whiteboard activities to immerse students in Chinese Culture, whilst achieving Australian Curriculum outcomes in listening, responding, speaking, reading and writing.
Language Programs
Chinese Immersion Program: commenced in 2013. All Pre-Primary students receive 7 hours 30 minutes per week using Chinese Mandarin as the target language to teach Chinese Literacy, Mathematics - (Number and Space), Society and Environment, Music and Physical Education.
Chinese Second Language Program: 2 hours per week for students who are second language learners of Chinese. Students learn language basics and the culture through various activities including stories, songs, on-line programs, calligraphy etc.
Chinese Extension Program: 1 hour per week for students who have Chinese heritage or background and who are capable of taking more challenge in an advanced learning environment.
China Study Tour and Sister School
Since 2004, Oberthur Primary has conducted China Study tours every alternate year. Year 6/7 students have visited Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Students get to experience Chinese life and also have a home stay with students from our Hangzhou sister school.
Oberthur Girls Chinese Dance Group
To embrace Chinese Culture in a meaningful way, an Oberthur Girls Dance group was established in 2006. A well-known Chinese dancer comes to train the dance group girls every week. Over the years our Dance group have been invited to perform at various important events including the Perth Chinese New Year Festival at Burswood, Australian University Students Hanyuqiao Speech Competition at UWA and the Canning Multicultural Shows.
Oberthur Wushu (Kungfu) Academy
The Wushu Academy is another cultural program at our school. It caters for students from Year 2 to 7 and has been a very popular before-school program tutored by a professional Wushu coach.
Chinese Assembly and Chinese Learning Journey Evening
A special Chinese Assembly is held in term 4 each year where students present an array of wonderful Chinese plays, songs and dance to showcase their great progress in the Chinese LOTE program during the year. Our Chinese Learning Journey is another highlight of each year in term 3. Parents are invited to come and view their childrens work and also enjoy some fun and interactive cultural activities performed by the students for their parents.
Engagement in WA Chinese Language and Culture Activities
Students at Oberthur have been greatly involved in annual Western Australia Mandarin Speaking Competitions and the W.A. Writing Competition. Due to their excellent performances, each year they achieve top awards and prizes. They also participate in a Chinese Pandas Picnic Day Excursion and Chinese New Year Art competition.
谢谢!对,我们是比较看重中文的。我觉得都可以做吧,假期回中国是很好的办法,但是在这里的时候,除了我们自己在家里面教,如果在学校也有个相当的氛围,那就更完美了:) lowprofile 发表于 7-9-2014 12:31
没有送去,看了看网站上的介绍,基本上就是个花架子,学的东西可能还没在家学的多,效果应该赶不上丢回国在 ...
假期回去能直接送到学校学习么?没有这方面的社会关系的话,是否容易? 学校第二语言是中文,在PP和Year1 ,每天90分钟中文,有些课程是使用中文教的。Year 2 ,时间逐渐减少,但会针对有中文背景的孩子有专门的Program。 虽比不上国内中文教学,但在Perth,对中文还是有些帮助的。 trisun 发表于 7-9-2014 22:12
学校第二语言是中文,在PP和Year1 ,每天90分钟中文,有些课程是使用中文教的。Year 2 ,时间逐渐减少,但 ...
多谢你的回帖!:)你家娃娃在这个学校么?总体感觉如何? flyingchild 发表于 7-9-2014 22:28
小学排名在Perth还算不错,非英语背景47%,主要是马来和新加坡,马来西亚和新加坡华人都比较重视学习,你可能会感到压力的,这个学校也是比较注重Academic , 看你自己对学校的偏好了。 不过学校"funding 紧张,Chinese program 明年是否能坚持下来很难说
trisun 发表于 8-9-2014 10:37
小学排名在Perth还算不错,非英语背景47%,主要是马来和新加坡,马来西亚和新加坡华人都比较重视学习,你 ...
话说河南的这些好的小学,像bull creek,willetton,riverton的小学,非英语背景的孩子可能都将近半数? 所有中产区的学校都不错,孩子们都彬彬有礼,看得出家教很好。 samchen 发表于 8-9-2014 13:33
samchen 发表于 8-9-2014 13:33
是bull creek, willeton, riverton, shelly这些区吗?
canning vale的如何?我们也对canning vale长草。。