在这边的sea food店里,看到各种海鱼,都是整块的鱼肉,都差不多,和国内的鱼的种类差别挺大的,大家一般都买那种鱼吃呢?推荐下,谢谢。 6 Reasons To Eat More Sardines1. They’re good for you.
Sardines pack an awesome nutritional punch. A single serving has around 23 grams of protein and is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron and potassium, and only 200 calories. And even with canned sardines, all this goodness comes with only around 400 mg of sodium, which is relatively little for a canned product. Plus, they’re often packed in olive oil, itself an important component of a healthy diet.
2. They aren’t bad for you.
Sardines are low on the oceanic food chain, and therefore contain low amounts of mercury, PCBs and the other toxins that accumulate in longer-living marine predators such as salmon and tuna. This makes them a particularly good choice for children and pregnant women.
3. They’re sustainably fished.
Monterey Bay Aquarium’s SeafoodWATCH rates sardines as a “Best Choice”. Sardine stocks are, once again, abundant, healthy and are now well-managed.
4. They’re affordable.
Prices per oz. of canned sardines are on a par with canned tuna, poultry, ground beef and other supermarket protein sources. Prices of fresh sardines vary with availability, but they are usually among the less expensive fresh fish on display.
5. They taste like fish.
In a supermarket landscape dominated by bland, artificially dyed salmon fillets, pale tuna steaks, frozen fish sticks, artificial crab meat and other attempts to sell seafood as generic chicken-like protein slabs to people who aren’t sure if they actually like it, sardines stand out. You simply can’t ignore the fact that they are, well, fish. They look like fish, being too small to fillet or grind up. They smell like fish. They are oily. They have heads and tails, scales and bones. And they taste fishy.
This is, as most people who genuinely enjoy food know, a good thing.
6. They’re delicious.
This is ultimately the most important point in favor of consuming more sardines: they are a pleasure to eat. Simple, easy to prepare and downright delicious.
If you get your hands on some fresh sardines, they feature in fabulous recipes originating from all over the Mediterranean basin. But sardines are so simple and basic, you really don’t need a recipe to get the best out of them. Just scale and gut them, brush them lightly with olive oil and coarse sea salt, or whatever marinade you make up, grill them for around 5 minutes per side, until the skin is crispy, and serve them up with a drizzle of lemon juice and your favorite fresh herbs.
And if you can’t be fussed to cook, there are few pleasures greater than mashing canned sardines, bones and all, onto buttered toast, or perhaps over a slice of camembert. 盲槽,清蒸 石斑,蒸煮炸 我比较挑剔,只有石斑还能吃吃,不然就以虾蟹为主,其他死鱼……:tk_42 我很爱吃清蒸鱼,在国内经常买16块人民币一斤的鲈鱼清蒸,味道很好。
这边的三文鱼还不错,买相对比较好的也比国内贵不了多少,做起来也很方便,可以经常吃 啥鱼都吃 指纹 发表于 13-8-2014 19:19
哪个鱼感觉最好,又 不太贵? zy_feng 发表于 13-8-2014 23:07
哪个鱼感觉最好,又 不太贵?
肉厚的适合烤箱,不过我没咋烤过:lol BASA可以做水煮鱼或者酸菜鱼,snapper可以烤可以蒸 Ling fish fillet, Perch fillet, barramundi fillet, snapper fillet, 整条的话芒草,rainbow trout, beam 巴萨还是别吃了,肉质很差。三文鱼可以。 巴萨就是鲶鱼片,肉不难吃,但是含重金属,比国内的烂泥塘小龙虾还厉害。
这儿的鳕鱼类cod很好,蓝鳕鱼,bulecod,肉质赛过野生黄鱼,snapper吃鱼生和头尾做汤非常好。 keepdancing 发表于 14-8-2014 22:44
6 Reasons To Eat More Sardines
1. They’re good for you.
沙丁鱼老是感觉做罐头,有看见捞上来一条条小的,怎么烧呢?炒一下啊 酥炸沙丁鱼,加点椒盐,那叫一个香呀,正好下酒。用个小点的深炸油锅,或者用个铸铁锅来炸都很容易。上个图吧,不过图上我做的鱼是用烤箱烤的,鱼名是黄尾巴,不是沙丁。这样的小鱼,不论炸还是烤都要注意火候,还有就是要事先腌好了。 对了,沙丁如果油炸的话,可以不腌,出锅后撒椒盐就可以了。 keepdancing 发表于 15-8-2014 22:28
椒盐哪里买? amanda06083 发表于 17-8-2014 22:02
华人超市就有啊~ 我感觉太便宜的鱼不好吃~我家经常换着吃呢~这边海鱼品种真多哦~ 换着花样吃是个好主意。大个头的鱼通常在生物链当中占 居靠上的位置,铅汞之类有害物质的含量会高过怎么也长不太大的鱼,所以吃体型小的鱼也是有道理的。 Eastwood有游水鱼,最近都很便宜。芒草和青衣20/kg,芦斑25/kg。用广式煮法清蒸,和酒楼的一个味道。 做鱼是俺的弱项,既不太了解,又不太吃.