证明工作经验 payslip是一定需要的吗
有推荐信,但是公司的工资单是保密的,只能发邮件给我,而且是加密的,无法打印. 请问工资单是一定需要的吗? 只有reference letter是必须的。 银行流水呢? 本帖最后由 chaojidiao 于 12-7-2014 17:15 编辑linallen 发表于 12-7-2014 17:06 static/image/common/back.gif
只有reference letter是必须的。
多谢 只是我在官方指导里看到
Obtain evidence such as employment references and detailed duty statements covering the
required period. Employment references must:
a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially
important from applicants working in government departments.
这个只是对政府部门一定需要的是吧? chaojidiao 发表于 12-7-2014 17:11 static/image/common/back.gif
多谢 只是我在官方指导里看到
Obtain evidence such as employment references and detailed duty st ...
可能现在要求严了。我当时只交了reference letter。 我们公司没有带公司章的工资单,只能自己到系统里查,可以打印,但这个东西有用吗? uowenz 发表于 13-7-2014 12:08 static/image/common/back.gif