从190的QQ群,中介和移民局网站了解到最近190签证近乎停滞,有部分去年年底网上申请的都还没有下签,大家有没有类似情形?CO的来信是模板,说是年度结束的时候额度有限,要等额度才可以继续,邮件内容大体如下:In the skilled stream, of which your visa application is a part, priority processing arrangements and Migration Program planning levels have been designed to ensure the Australian economy gets the skills it needs now.The Migration Program planning levels for the visa category,Regional Sponsored, has a limited number of places left for the 2013-14 program year.
This will mean processing times may be longer and that once the remaining places are used, the department cannot grant any application until the following program year, unless more visa places become available.Until that time, I cannot guarantee that your application will be decided in the immediate term, nor can I give an indication as to the likely timeframe.You can be assured, however, that the department will contact you when we are ready to finalise your visa application
We are unable to provide a timeframe at this stage, but please be assured your application will be finalised as soon as visa places become available.
最近有谁190下签了吗?互相通个信鼓励一下那些还在苦等的吧。 再等一个月吧 同等阿 ,烦死人拉 ,等了四个月拉,楼主等多久拉. 还有一个月看看不下的话可以集体抗议的吧 希望7月能顺利下签 帮楼主锤 现在不是onshore的几乎不可能下了,阿三那从三月以后,可能一共不到10个下签的吧。等吧,基本都是说7月以后第二周就会哗哗大大批量下签了 smithda 发表于 5-6-2014 18:17 static/image/common/back.gif
同等阿 ,烦死人拉 ,等了四个月拉,楼主等多久拉. 还有一个月看看不下的话可以集体抗议的吧
没什么抗议不抗议的,G5 的那些还不是等了五六年。 原来真是如此啊,六月份补料之后 CO就没有消息了。 网站投诉了一下, 催了催