我❤绘画 - 2018年3月
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 16-3-2018 22:24 编辑找到合适的笔刷,画起来真的很流畅,哈哈。。。:lol
" Painting is easy when you don't know how, " Edgar Degas.
不是每天,但有时间开机画画时,会先画几张这样的东东。:lol 如果再有时间,会再练练别的什么,比如下面这样的。:lol
如果同时还有好几个业余爱好,那就更难办了。:L 这个今天练习的。
昨天和今天都只是练了练笔。 今天练了好几张直线与圆后,再绘了一张单眼图。:)
gzhjb 发表于 27-5-2015 21:33
你用的是WACOM哪一款? 画工太好了:zan:zan:zan ubuntuhk 发表于 27-5-2015 23:24
板子已经是老板子了,WACOM INTUOS 3 PTZ-631W,当年刚刚推出来就出手收入囊中:lol,银子花花的出去了:L。 cuppycake 发表于 28-5-2015 00:16
谢谢鼓励。 画了好多张直线斜线和圆,手才真正活络起来。
gzhjb 发表于 28-5-2015 18:24
这是warm up吗;P cuppycake 发表于 29-5-2015 15:59
这是warm up吗
哈哈。。。有时就是WARM UP完了,时间也没有了。 开始再看看色彩方面的东西,温顾希望能知新。:lol
明天开始改画布为6X6小幅。 gzhjb 发表于 31-5-2015 17:56
哈哈。。。有时就是WARM UP完了,时间也没有了。
warm up要花很长时间吗 cuppycake 发表于 2-6-2015 15:15
warm up要花很长时间吗
不是WARM UP花的时间长,而是能用于绘画的时间本身不多。:L 本来想找找笔刷方面的资料学习学习,猛然发现,在PAINTER里面,直接将每一种笔刷调出来,花些时间,调试调试各个参数,看看画出来的有什么不同,通过这种笨方法,学到的东西更全面,也印象深刻得多。:good gzhjb 发表于 2-6-2015 18:52
不是WARM UP花的时间长,而是能用于绘画的时间本身不多。
空闲才画嘛 兴趣没压力 好几天没有摸笔了。:L
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 2-7-2015 22:57 编辑
本帖最后由 gzhjb 于 2-7-2015 23:01 编辑
5 steps to improve your drawing skill fast
1) Draw! You have to spend at least 2 hours a day drawing everyday. You can either draw from things you see or things you think of, . *Remember, when you are a professional concept artist, illustrator, or comics artist, you will be drawing at least about +8 hours a day.* You have to practice a lot to become art ninja.
2) Go to life drawing session at least ONCE a week, better yet twice if you can make it. Just search internet for life drawing session near you. The session usually last about 3-4 hours.
3) Practice drawing from cast and simple object around the house to study value and squinting to find basic value of the subject. The trick is find objects that have different reflective quality such as teapot, ball, satin, flower then observe and sketch them.
4) Study from any old school master sketches (Mucha, Sargent, Zorn, or whoever is you favorite artists) and try to mimic the piece. You will intuitively learn and try to figure out how they did what they did. The more you do the better you will get.
5) Practice drawing using different medium and switching them around and know how you can work with them, get out of you comfort zone. Try different pencil, graphite, charcoal, pen, markers, brush pen, brush, etc. Anything you can find…use you imagination and let the tool be your best friend.
**Ultimately, you will have to keep drawing everyday if possible. Try to draw everything no matter what subject matter is, you have to treat it like a competitive sport. Practice will make you better just like any other serious profession and don’t forget to watch and read possibly all the videos and articles in some good forums. There you will get good fast.
That’s about it…for now. If you consistently do this for about three months, you be surprise. I suggest after about three months compare your first drawing when you just start doing the routine and you last drawing. You will then see what I am talking about, your skill has just been elevated!!! Congratz!
Don’t give up to early, once you stop drawing…doesn’t matter where you were, your skill will somehow drop. A drawing takes time and consistency to develop. Don’t be discouraged by the result if it doesn’t come out like what you are looking for, make new ones. It’s the journey itself, not really the destination.
... 过去的好多天,都比较忙。天气越来越冷,今天有点点时间,再次开画。:lol 几天前练习的没敢贴出来。