如题。我的贷款由于银行最终没有批(贷款经理一开始说可以,后来又说他们新规定说不行了),根据买房的合同是可以把交的deposit拿回来的,请问要给中介看什么样的材料才能把定金拿回来?是不是应该问银行要一个书面的拒信?有没有类似经历的版友可以帮忙解答?多谢!! 不懂,帮顶!一般都是先拿 pre-approve,才去出价买房或签约
Don’t lose your deposit
If your finance is not going to be approved in time then make sure you receive a finance extension. You will need to obtain this in writing through your solicitor. If you don’t get an extension you may have to proceed with the purchase. This may result in you losing your deposit and being sued for the difference if the vendor loses money when they sell.
Also keep in mind that changing your mind about the purchase and not proceeding with the application for finance is different from applying and not getting approval. You won’t be able to use the Subject to Finance clause to withdraw from the sale if you simply change your mind; it only protects you in the event of your finance application being refused.
Provide proof if your loan is refused
If you notify the agent that your finance approval has been refused, they may want proof. If you can’t provide it, you might be legally obligated to buy the property. A finance rejection letter from a broker may not be sufficient. They could demand a letter from the bank stating clearly the loan application was made and refused.
Have your solicitor prepare the wording
I have had solicitors say to me “just sign the contract the agent gives you and send it over”. So please make sure your solicitor understands these conditions, and advises you of suitable wording that is in your favour.
可以换一家银行,或是找其他broker,想买的话。 我们遇到过同样的事情,是因为房子有扩建没有报批,所以银行不给贷款。银行会出具正式的拒信给中介的。你可以稍微盯紧点。
还有确定下你的OFFER 有SUBJECT TO FINANCE 这条 西澳瓶鼻海豚 发表于 21-5-2014 15:41 static/image/common/back.gif
一般都是先拿 pre-approve,才去出价买房或签约
多谢海豚热心帮忙!现在是银行经理说不行,我觉得可能先要找他们要一个正式的拒信看看。不知道坛子里有没有类似经历的朋友 Chivas0909 发表于 21-5-2014 15:53 static/image/common/back.gif
我们遇到过同样的事情,是因为房子有扩建没有报批,所以银行不给贷款。银行会出具正式的拒信给中介的。你可 ...
好的,那我问银行要的正式的拒信。谢谢 先看合同上是否有SUBJECT TO FINANCE条款.如果有就拿银行的拒贷信问中介拿回定金.如果没有SUBJECT TO FINANCE条款.如果不买,就只要损失定金了.
除非LZ不想买了.否则总能找到愿意贷款的银行. 看看条款再说。 不想买了的话,就要那封拒信吧,不管合同怎么样
如果没有subject to finance, 碰到好点的中介的话,好好说说什么情况,一般也会退的。
没有subject to finance很被动
卖家可以追究损失的 谢谢大家!已成功拿回定金。就问了银行要rejection letter给中介。 你应该是subjectto finance了吧 交割律师应该会处理