本帖最后由 hayaxp 于 29-5-2014 20:53 编辑Elodge的材料清单。
1) Skill Assessment Result Letter
2) IELTS 成绩单
3) 出生公证 公证处领表格,到fesco填写,然后再去公证处公证
4) 无刑公证 公证处领表格,到fesco填写,然后再去公证处公证
5) Certified copies of biographical pages of passports 这个明确了是有个人信息页
6) 照片 这个没在elodge后的attachment list里发现,懒了没传。
7) 80表 填写攻略抄的坛子里的。
A.直接用Adobe Reader填写,注意把语言设置成英文,要不填的日期会变成中文,显示不出来;
B.保存,Adobe Reader只能保存成可编辑的Form,这种文件加不了签名。
E.Adobe Reader打开这个不可编辑的版本,会自动提示侦测到签名栏,点sign->place signature->use an image加电子签名(D步骤中事先准备的图片)。
8) 体检 SOS中心, 970一个人.
9) 工作证明。 189 checklist原文如下:
Evidence to support your application
1. Obtain evidence such as employment references and detailed duty statements covering the
required period. Employment references must:
• be written on the official letterhead of the company or government department providing
the reference;
• the letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone,
fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses;
• the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference should
be typed or stamped below that person’s signature;
• the contact telephone number of the person writing the reference should be included in
the letter;
• the letter should indicate the exact period of employment (including whether permanent or
temporary, full or part-time), position(s) held, main duties undertaken and the salary earned
– positions should not be described by generic titles (eg. research officer, public servant)
but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (eg. research chemist, accounts
clerk); and
• a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially
important from applicants working in government departments.
2. For you to receive these points, documentary evidence should be included with your
3. Your relevant Assessing Authority may also be able to provide an opinion on your employment
]1. 推荐信:ACS的材料。重开了最近的推荐信,找律师certificate copy。
2. 工资单:公司内部网站截屏+工资卡银行流水 自己翻译标注
1. 纳税证明, 带身份证去税务局开,如果身份证消磁就打不出来!!!彩色扫描+自行翻译
2. 社保:本来打算用社保网站截屏,加自行翻译,但是我的社保对账单13年和14年的都打印不出来。
3. 当前工牌彩色扫描。
4. 合同,没有提供,CO也没有要求补。
5. 在职证明信。公司HR开具的,有盖章。重新开目前工作的。找律师签字做cetificate copy。
ACS pdf原件上传。
10) 学历证明
1. 学位证 cetificate copy (ACS材料)
2. 学历证cetificate copy(ACS材料)
3. 成绩单 cetificate copy(ACS材料)
4. 清华认证,这个最近做了一个本科学位的认证,原件扫描上传。
11)结婚证公证 已扫描上传
1. 合照;幸好两人挺爱旅游,虽然美中不足是每次出去都很少合影,也随随便便就搜罗了几十张不同地点的照片。再加结婚照。
2. 机票,签证。出国玩的几次幸好还有电子客票,国内的完全找不到了。搜罗了7次出行的机票。
3. 几次夫妻之间的转帐证明。
4. 网银给同一个手机号码和同一个水费号码付款的截屏。
5. 两个朋友帮忙写的证明信。
最后一段写朋友作证你俩确实true love and genuine marriage. if anything about your marriage status, please feel free to contact him/her.
<br>My name isxxx. I enrolled Huanan Women College in 2000. xxxentered Huanan Women College at the same time and we became to be good friends soon. xxx entered the Fuzhou University. In 2002 . xx and xxx know each other, these two young people attracted each other with same interests and value understanding and fell in love soon. Since then, they faced happiness and challenge together and encouraged each other in their road of lives. After twenty-nine months, xxxi and xxx finally got married on 2 Jun 2004 and started their new lives with on going relationship since then. I’m delighted for their marriage and bless both of them forever! I here to certify that the marriage between xxx and xxx are in genuine and stable! <br>
Company: xxxxx<br>
Date: 16 October, 2004 <br>
1) Certified copies of biographical pages of passports 不明白是护照首页还是护照所有使用过的页面。 之前做ACS的时候做过首页的cetificate copy。
3)目前这份工作的推荐信和在职证明都是去年做ACS的时候开的,现在都过去1整年了。要是重开就是要再找律师朋友cetificate copy签字,有点麻烦。
以前就差不多是我看了大家的攻略总结出来的清单,不知道还有没有遗漏。 对了,我还需要副申加分的,所以副申的材料打算就基本跟主申的一样了,学历工作都一样的准备。
副申还多做一个结婚证公证。 当前工作的推荐信要更新时间,也就是说还得找推荐人重新签字。另,北京社保可以在网站直接查(有好几个人都是直接保存上传的),我是直接到社保大厅请他们打印了一份,因为没有章是黑的,我怕不行,又让人工作人员下载的电子版存到优盘,然后上传的。 我们在线申请时提交了出生公证和护照的扫描件,没有提供护照公证。职业评估时提交了护照公证,当时是为了代替出生公证。 ellengirl8331 发表于 16-4-2014 16:45 static/image/common/back.gif
当前工作的推荐信要更新时间,也就是说还得找推荐人重新签字。另,北京社保可以在网站直接查(有好几个人都 ...
去了社保局了,打印出来的跟网上的不一样,是个人权益记录。网上的是社保对账单。 ellengirl8331 发表于 16-4-2014 16:47 static/image/common/back.gif
我们在线申请时提交了出生公证和护照的扫描件,没有提供护照公证。职业评估时提交了护照公证,当时是为了代 ...
所以你也没有提交护照使用过的所有页吧? 护照:我交的是使用过的所有页的扫描件。社保:我交的是个人权益记录,上边很详细的列出了每项缴费金额。 ellengirl8331 发表于 16-4-2014 17:44 static/image/common/back.gif
嗯,好的。那我就把护照首页的cetificate copy上传了,然后再把剩下的使用页的扫描件也上传了好了。
推荐信不太想去开新的了,又要麻烦领导,又要麻烦律师朋友签字。。。。。 我记得小册子上面好像写了吧有个人信息的那页 可以再查查 season168 发表于 16-4-2014 18:18 static/image/common/back.gif
我记得小册子上面好像写了吧有个人信息的那页 可以再查查
我说的是护照 但是要证明你现在还在这个单位工作的话,时间是要更新的。哦,对了,如果你的推荐信不只一页,你不用找人重新签,因为时间是在第一页上的,签字是在末页。你自己重新打印第一页好了。 社保局网站可以查询2013全年的,但我2月份的时候查不到2014年的,没有记录,你需要和你公司查询是不是正常缴纳了
护照我扫描了正本,因为签证页中介说也要提供,不需要公证,除非你用它代替出生证明 season168 发表于 16-4-2014 18:19 static/image/common/back.gif
189的check list是这么写的:
Certified copies of biographical pages of passports or travel documents for every person included in the application.
我是不明白这个biographical pages是啥意思。。。。。 zhuzhubj 发表于 16-4-2014 18:30 static/image/common/back.gif
社保局网站可以查询2013全年的,但我2月份的时候查不到2014年的,没有记录,你需要和你公司查询是不是正常缴 ...
我怎么刷都查不到13年的, 退而求其次,打印了另一个表格,叫做社会保险个人权益记录,这么多年的记录都在2张纸上面了。 原来的那个叫做社会保险对帐单。 我也纠结中文合同,不过还是打算自己翻译下,毕竟有contract这一项
推荐信我也不更新了,就重新开了工作证明加收入,彩扫不做certify copy
Evidence to support your application
1. Obtain evidence such as employment references and detailed duty statements covering the
required period. Employment references must:
• be written on the official letterhead of the company or government department providing
the reference;
• the letterhead should indicate clearly the full address of the company and any telephone,
fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses;
• the name and position of the person authorised to sign the employment reference should
be typed or stamped below that person’s signature;
• the contact telephone number of the person writing the reference should be included in
the letter;
• the letter should indicate the exact period of employment (including whether permanent or
temporary, full or part-time), position(s) held, main duties undertaken and the salary earned
– positions should not be described by generic titles (eg. research officer, public servant)
but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (eg. research chemist, accounts
clerk); and
• a payslip from your current employment should also be included – this is especially
important from applicants working in government departments.
2. For you to receive these points, documentary evidence should be included with your
3. Your relevant Assessing Authority may also be able to provide an opinion on your employment
既然这样,就打算准备一票材料让律师朋友去签个够了。。。 hayaxp 发表于 16-4-2014 22:34 static/image/common/back.gif
189的check list是这么写的:
Certified copies of biographical pages of passports or travel document ...
就是有你个人详细信息的那页 bio好像叫什么生物什么的就是把你当生物了要有你生物信息的那页 护照首页,也就是照片及个人信息页彩色扫描就行,不用certify mark 以后参考 biographical,这个是什么意思,我也一直没搞明白 mark一下 yotiger 发表于 21-4-2014 13:25 static/image/common/back.gif
就是护照首页的意思,要有你的生日和头像的意思 已elodge, 搜罗婚姻证明材料中。。。。。 结婚4年,几乎木有合照,还好有个孩子:lol 不明白有结婚证为什么还要做那么多材料? vincichan0816 发表于 3-5-2014 00:22 static/image/common/back.gif
论坛上的经验是两年内领证没有小孩的都会要求补料的。 jojopig2002 发表于 2-5-2014 23:54 static/image/common/back.gif
有娃就是最大的证据了 学习中,据中介说也可以提供电话通话记录做证据支持 准签,更新列表