我的FSC 489被拒了
我的FSC被拒了,261313,4300没了,理由是Our Assessment Panel considers all applicant documentation and ranks each one on the basis of the claims they have made regarding their skills, experience and attributes.Invitations are only issued to those prospective applicants who achieve the highest rankings, subject to the operation of the occupation ceiling.是不是带点骗子性质,申请MNC的参考吧。
Dear xx
Thank you for registering your Expression of Interest and your nomination of a skilled occupation which you claim fits your skills and qualifications.
Our Assessment Panel considers all applicant documentation and ranks each one on the basis of the claims they have made regarding their skills, experience and attributes.
Invitations are only issued to those prospective applicants who achieve the highest rankings, subject to the operation of the occupation ceiling.
In this instance your application was unsuccessful.
Please note that the decision of the Panel is final and no communication will be entered into.
Kind regards,
Regional Certifying Officer
Tel:02 4422 9011Fax: 02 4422 5080
E-mail: rcb@rdafsc.com.au
Postal Address : PO Box 1227 Nowra NSW 2541
RDA - FSC is on Facebook!
可惡! 你那天申請? 那麼快就回來? 你是什么条件,被拒了 他承认you claim fits your skills and qualifications. sweetstar 发表于 8-4-2014 18:01 static/image/common/back.gif
他承认you claim fits your skills and qualifications.
你意思你是 fits? sweetstar 发表于 8-4-2014 18:01 static/image/common/back.gif
他承认you claim fits your skills and qualifications.
Are your sure? Please note that the decision of the Panel is final and no communication will be entered into. ...最后结论,不得申诉,苦逼啊。。。 楼主是多少分的? 489地方政府骗钱,不靠普? 我剛才發現, 為何 Mid North Coast 中間有一段:
3. Skilled Occupation
The applicant must nominate a skilled occupation befitting their skills and qualifications which is identified on the RDA MNC Eligible Occupations List.
但這段 RDA MNC Eligible Occupations List 的連結, 竟然是 Far South Coast, 是否就解釋到為何 sweetstar 為何不通過?
显然mnc抄的fsc而且不断再改。我那个小群里面当天比我排在前面一人也悲剧了。email内容1个字不差。其他人无消息。发邮件问他到底那看着不爽也没再理我了。大家千万别再弄这个比买彩票还不靠谱的东西了(彩票还告诉你赢的几率,这个申请人进多少,最后要多少都是不告诉你)。简直和美国骗局那个交5000贷50000的骗局,如出一辙,desperate people 就是这么好骗的。所以fuck them all,还是自己有本事才好使。 謝謝回覆, 我一向對這些表面要求很低的省擔保興趣不大, 因為感覺上都是坑人的, 而且我跟這些省完全沒聯擊, 都不知我何德何能可以被選中, 你會否考慮加拿大 NS 省? 可能一樣是坑人的! 这个FSC 是什么州的担保啊?? asxdcfv 发表于 10-4-2014 20:11 static/image/common/back.gif
这个FSC 是什么州的担保啊??
就是FAR SOUTH COAST的nsw的担保吧。考,我还想寄希望于他呢。。。 我的315鸭子8 6.5 6.5 6.5,还是炸七是王道,再也不琢磨这些不靠谱的玩意了。 4个6.5可以等sa的担保 jojopig2002 发表于 10-4-2014 23:02 static/image/common/back.gif
等不在我的字典里,see my new signature column。 sweetstar 发表于 8-4-2014 18:01 static/image/common/back.gif
他承认you claim fits your skills and qualifications.