老爸和他的几个朋友约好明天去天鹅河边的草地上聚聚,几个老人都喜欢喝点小酒,打算带上酒菜去玩。之前好像听过一个朋友说这儿的公园不能喝酒,可是我在网络上没查到相关说法,请问大家知道相关规定么? 喝过,好象没有规定不能喝.那些去公园野餐和烧烤的人,没酒怎么行. 好像在CBD内和附近是不可以的我记得,但不确定,因为原来在步行街那里见到过阿布拿着酒瓶醉醺醺的,后来有人去制止说在CBD里的公共场合是不可以饮酒的,在家里或者酒吧就无所谓。 QWERTYASDFG 发表于 1-4-2014 16:37 static/image/common/back.gif喝过,好象没有规定不能喝.那些去公园野餐和烧烤的人,没酒怎么行.
谢谢分享! channel1016 发表于 1-4-2014 19:01 static/image/common/back.gif
好像在CBD内和附近是不可以的我记得,但不确定,因为原来在步行街那里见到过阿布拿着酒瓶醉醺醺的,后来有人 ...
UWA旁边,算么? Drinking in public places :lol
Most places other than someone’s house are public places. Many public places are restricted drinking areas. It is illegal to have or drink alcohol in these places.
They include:
Footpaths, roads, parks, beaches;
Shopping centres;
Unlicensed restaurants, cafes and dining areas (places that do not sell alcohol);
Community centres, halls and churches;
Theatres, libraries and galleries;
Public transport (buses, trains, trams, aeroplanes, taxis, ferries);
Gyms and sporting facilities;
If you are caught you can be:
given a warning, a formal caution, fined on the spot ($72.18), or choose to go to court.
The police decide which penalty to apply, but you can always choose to go to court instead. The alcohol can be confiscated by the police.
` 不可以喝的,不过带上食物的话一般没人管 学习了,谢谢分享。 gzhjb 发表于 1-4-2014 19:30 static/image/common/back.gif
Drinking in public places
Most places other than someone’s house are public places. Many pu ...
好像很权威,是哪个网站提供的? 最好不要。。。有警察巡逻。。。 不可以,上回宝宝聚会,我带了两瓶啤酒,坐着喝,有个鬼佬跟我说,他也喝,不过没我这么大胆,他把酒放在可乐瓶子里。。。我说,那是你,我没事,因为我是fucking japs,and you r white fellow...哈哈。。。 gzhjb 发表于 1-4-2014 19:30 static/image/common/back.gif
Drinking in public places
Most places other than someone’s house are public places. Many pu ...
西澳电工 发表于 1-4-2014 21:39 static/image/common/back.gif
不可以,上回宝宝聚会,我带了两瓶啤酒,坐着喝,有个鬼佬跟我说,他也喝,不过没我这么大胆,他把酒放在可 ...
学习下,japs啥意思?谢谢,啥背景呢:) jap=小日本儿 见鬼佬喝过,不过是用纸袋或布袋把酒瓶包起来的 pipima 发表于 3-4-2014 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif
所以应该是不行的 flyingchild 发表于 4-4-2014 11:48 static/image/common/back.gif
或者把酒装到饮料瓶里就可以了 飞机上不是还卖酒吗?