我的天,那么慢?你的是哪个 Builder 啊?这个速度你可以 complain 了。
Commodore Homes, under BGC. finally the brickies started working on my site, his team is pretty fast. only one day/two days the outside walls are almost done. now they're working on inside walls. the supervisor said it will take him 3-4 days to finish all the brick jobs for the house 我同事刚找commodore homes建好房子,她说是她们建的三次中最不满意的一次。速度很慢而且经常找不到那个site manager,楼上的一定要看紧点,多催催 市场上也有盖好没住直接卖出来的,可以拿1万还不用等。 现在还看不清形势?
宝钢如再迟几个月买“要亏”,不知要省多少钱! :):):):):):) 我是进来学习的。。。