pandaface 发表于 9-3-2014 23:50:32


我本科是计算机的,申请的是ict system administrator,最后给我扣了四年。发信询问了一下,底下是他们回的信。请问下,这具体是啥意思呢?怎么就not closely related...?

Thank you for your email.

Applicants are only deemed skilled once they have worked in their nominated occupation for a specified amount of time.

Your Bachelor degree has been assessed as comparable to an AQF Bachelor degree with a major in computing and not closely related to your occupation thus requiring you to demonstrate 4 years relevant work experience in order to meet the requirements for a suitable assessment outcome.

As you commenced employment in January 2005, 4 years from this date is when you are deemed to be skilled in your nominated occupation – this being January 2009 as indicated on your result letter.

crapzz 发表于 10-3-2014 00:07:34

这类问题已经很多人问了,其实道理就在guideline pdf里写着

要满足closely related,你的大学课程中的ICT课程中的一定比例的课程要和所选职业的core units匹配。所以是你的课程的问题,这个你也没法改了,建议看看其他职业的core units,如果更匹配就换个职业。

howdybaby 发表于 10-3-2014 01:51:56

本帖最后由 howdybaby 于 9-3-2014 23:23 编辑

建议你去Appeal或者Review一下,计算机科学与技术专业评估这个职业为评估为Not closely related,确实有点亏。你自己可以先比对一下你的课程和这个职业所要求的课程,看有多少门你大学学过。不过话又说回来,这个自己不好计算。按照评估的GUIDELINE,你所学的这个职业要求的课程占你大学所学过的ICT UNITS的比例超过65%,才会减2年,低的话,减4年。具体你所学的课程哪些属于ICT CONTENT,只有评估官最清楚。
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