明年6大职业会不会都下 sol 列表
@考拉国的Alex还是要保持一定的延续性?谢谢 @考拉国的Alex 压力估计比较大...这个问题有点深度. http://www.awpa.gov.au/our-work/labour-market-information/skilled-occupation-list/pages/submissions-from-industry-stakeholders.aspx
从劳动力报告里面可以看出一些东西来 不会一步到位就下的,毕竟是信息社会。 被楼主给搞绝望了!!55555你赔你赔! 最后肯定是只有六大逼留学生可以移民 本帖最后由 delpierojvts 于 21-11-2013 13:35 编辑
Lopemann 发表于 1-11-2013 12:52 static/image/common/back.gif
http://www.awpa.gov.au/our-work/labour-market-information/skilled-occupation-list/pages/submissions- ...
There is a persistent misalignment between the demand for engineers in Australia and the capacity of
educational institutions to supply new graduates to meet this demand.Although the combination of
additional places in engineering and the more recent shift to demand -driven places in universities has
increased commencements in entry level engineering courses, these changes will take some years to
see an increase in completions. Even when this occurs, taking into account historical retention and
attrition rates, the increase in completions is likely to be insufficient to make a substantive difference to
the demand-supply gap.Growing Australia’s domestic supply of engineers is a challenge for the very long
term and while strong demand conditions persist, continued reliance on immigration will remain essential. keira2012 发表于 20-11-2013 06:48 static/image/common/back.gif