请教:263213 ICT Systems Test Engineer,有没有人通过这个职业的评估啊?
看到这个职业配额300,通过为0,有没有大神能帮忙解释一下这是为什么呢 握爪同问啊!也想评估这个职业。 同问。另外请教下,职业评估需要如何做(需要哪些材料),我查都没查到这方面教程。谢谢 263213 和 261314 的最大区别在哪里,有没有过来人介绍一下 stkwn 发表于 2-10-2013 11:12 static/image/common/back.gif申请了263212,通过。act担保还在等
你说的是263212是什么职位,没查到啊。另外问下,职业评估可以申请多个职位吗?需要哪些材料,谢谢! desertear 发表于 2-10-2013 15:56 static/image/common/back.gif
可以评估多个职位的,但是不能并行申请。每次一个。 指南针RUBY 发表于 4-10-2013 17:30 static/image/common/back.gif
谢谢你的回答,明白了。 问下,你看到的配额是在哪个网站看到的,分享一下,谢谢。 http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/
Reports-> Occupation Cellings 263213和261314的职位描述是一样的,不过263213可以通过ACT,SA担保,261314只能通过VIC担保 263213和261314的职位描述肯定是不一样的。从文字上看,差别很小,但是实质上差别还是挺大的。建议大家认真研究。 injaji 发表于 29-10-2013 01:28 static/image/common/back.gif
263213和261314的职位描述肯定是不一样的。从文字上看,差别很小,但是实质上差别还是挺大的。建议大家认真 ...
261314: Specifies, develops and writes test plans and test scripts, produces test cases, carries out regression testing, and uses automated test software applications to test the behaviour, functionality and integrity of computer software, and documents the results of tests in defect reports and related documentation.
263213: Specifies, develops and writes test plans and test scripts, produces test cases, carries out regression testing, and uses automated test software applications to test the behaviour, functionality and integrity of systems, and documents the results of tests in defect reports and related documentation. They will also act as technical expert on the subject of testing processes and standards.