因为一雅作文没有好好准备,现在准备12/07 二雅,从作文开始,这两天一边看范文一边自己写,发现一个问题,请高手帮忙分析一下:task2 example:These days people pay more attention to artists(writes, painters, and so)and give less importance to science and technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
First paragraph:introduction, 引出this essay 将要讨论的话题
Second paragraph(我自己是这么写的):
It is accepted that artists including writers, playactors do large contribution to enrich people's lesure time.Firstly,writers 干啥干啥了, secondly, playactors 干啥干啥了 等等
Third paragraph(我自己这么写得):
On the other hand, science and techonoly do great help to fullfill people's material need.然后是 balabala 一堆
Last paragraph:
总结, people should pay at least the equal attention to sicence and technology.
第二段:Indeed, artists have been enjoying huge popularity. By writing, singing and performing other creative activities ...........
第三段:On the other hand, science and technology play an essential role in our society and such role can never be played down......
他这里都没有举例说,artistsandtechonoly 是怎样对people的生活产生影响的,就是泛泛而谈。
这样我就有些迷惑了,请高手帮忙分析一下。另外,我还发现,我自己写的时候,老是会走入我自己的那种写法, 有点郁闷的说。
去simon的网站上面看,step by step也看看,都说了不同类型的怎么写。 It is accepted that artists including writers, playactors do large contribution to enrich people's lesure time.Firstly,writers 干啥干啥了, secondly, playactors 干啥干啥了 等等
I would like to share with you what I would go about it if you are interested. All the artists make the similar significant contributions to the society, such as enrich our daily life, being big tax-payers, set up perfect role models in the society to help us grow.
You can give some examples to back up your arguments, but you don't have to talk about their contributions separately. If you do, you are gonna run out of your word allowance even in one kind!
本帖最后由 yping88 于 24-9-2013 23:51 编辑
Third paragraph(我自己这么写得):
On the other hand, science and techonoly do great help to fullfill people's material need.然后是 balabala 一堆
You seem to be on the right track in this paragraph! But please keep in mind that whatever arguments you are for or against, there should be an example to prove that!
Good luck! yping88 发表于 24-9-2013 23:36 static/image/common/back.gif
It is accepted that artists including writers, playactors do large contribution to enrich people's l ...
对的,我的疑问就在这里,如果详细写任何一中artist, 都会使文章的字数大大超过。 因此这个地方还是要写成你写得那样,然后举一个famous writer 或是 painter 或是singer example? One more idea about the artists' contribution: They are the best represemtitives of the the era they live in. The arts they presented are the best resources the next generation can draw upon when it comes to the history.
I'll post something else if possible. 本帖最后由 pawehu 于 25-9-2013 09:14 编辑
看了Step by step,明白了topic和controlling idea的重要性,即controlling idea是限制topic的方向的,而supporting sentence不能脱离controlling idea。
以题目为例,These days people pay more attention to (controlling idea,限定方向) artists(writes, painters, and so) 【topic】and give less importance to(controlling idea,限定方向) science and technology 【topic】.
因此,题目要求讨论的是人们重视一方而轻视一方,范文则紧紧扣题(1.enjoying huge popularity,2.such role can never be played down),“artistsandtechonoly 是怎样对people的生活产生影响的”可以说,但最多仅仅作为其中一个supporting sentence支持“为什么重视/轻视”,而不能作为讨论主要部分。
我想了想有两种改法,个人也拿不准,欢迎对step by step参悟比较深的同学来讨论。
1. Indeed, artists have been enjoying huge popularity, as they do large contribution to enrich people's lesure time.
2. On the other hand,the efforts of science and techonoly can never be played down, because they do great help to fullfill people's material need.
1. Indeed, artists have been enjoying huge popularity. ...媒体曝光度啊...role model啊...多个角度阐释获得关注的原因
2. On the other hand, science and technology play an essential role in our society and such role can never be played down. ...科技对生活影响啊...对生产影响啊...
哪种写法好? lz看看范文的第一段是怎么写的,因为第一段决定了后面的走向,因为有可能中立有可能偏向一方,两种处理的方式有所不同。
还有playactor这个单词很奇怪,就用actor。It is accepted应该是it is acceptable。:) pawehu 发表于 25-9-2013 11:37 static/image/common/back.gif
我想了想有两种改法,个人也拿不准,欢迎对step by step参悟比较深的同学来讨论。
一、在范文的主体段总 ...
为什么关注就可以用重要性来说明。第二段可以写there are some reasons……,然后其中一个reason就可以说明重要性,另外一个就可以用收入高之类来说明。 请问simon和step by step 是什么网站?我是雅思新手 糯米527 发表于 25-9-2013 12:53 static/image/common/back.gif
请问simon和step by step 是什么网站?我是雅思新手
simon: http://ielts-simon.com/
step by step: https://hioz.us/ibbs/thread-990121-1-1.html 谢谢楼上的同学