Sweety316 发表于 22-9-2013 18:50:04


周六去体检的   然后医院说3-5个工作日上传结果    等到周三的时候   点开体检链接可以看到医院上传了带照片的体检结果(当天现场拍的照片)有的体检项目已经完成血检显示还没完成   等到周四上午LG的体检链接消失下午我的消失并且分别出现了No health examinations are required for this person for this visa subclass based on the information provided to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.这样一段话   

这样是否代表体检通过了呢    请过来人指点下

滴答滴答滴 发表于 22-9-2013 19:15:10

同问,目前状态和LZ一样,No health examinations are required for this person for this visa subclass based on the information provided to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

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