关于在国内出生的PR宝贝申请Baby Bonus的政策总结
Eligibility for Baby Bonus - 申请条件http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/services/centrelink/baby-bonus
Baby Bonus may be paid to your family following the birth or adoption of a child if:
• you are eligible for Family Tax Benefit for the child (disregarding the Family Tax Benefit income test) within 26 weeks of the child's birth or after an adopted child enters your care before turning 16 years old, or
• you are claiming for a child other than your own and you started caring for the child within 26 weeks of the child's birth and are likely to continue caring for the child for at least 26 weeks, and
• you or your partner are the primary carer of the child, and
• you meet the Baby Bonus income test, and
• you meet the residence requirements, and
• you have not received Parental Leave Pay for the child, and
• you make your claim no later than 52 weeks after the birth of the child or after the adopted child enters your care
需要在婴儿出生26周内申请Family Tax Benefit for the child(牛奶金),需要在婴儿出生52周内申请Baby Bonus;
也就是说,申请Baby Bonus的前提是在婴儿出生26周内申请牛奶金,因此申请Baby Bonus的必要条件是26周内登陆(因为需要婴儿的护照,上面有入境记录);
申请Baby Bonus和Family Tax Benefit for the child的资料包括:父母和Baby的护照,父母的税号,婴儿出生证,婴儿疫苗接种记录;
Payments paid while outside Australia - 申请成功并离开澳洲(短登) 以下津贴的发放情况
Baby Bonus
If you are not living in Australia, you cannot claim Baby Bonus.
If you and/or your child/ren leave Australia after you have been granted Baby Bonus, you can still get your remaining payments from outside Australia.
If you leave Australia temporarily, you may be able to claim Baby Bonus from outside Australia, if you:
• are an Australian resident or special category visa holder residing in Australia, who has been outside Australia temporarily for less than three years, or
• have a visa subclass 309, 310, 820 or 826 and you are living in Australia, but you are temporarily outside Australia for an approved reason for up to six weeks.
Contact the Families Line on 136 150 before you leave Australia to find out how your payments will change.
Family Tax Benefit Part A and Family Tax Benefit Part B
If you and/or your child/ren leave Australia permanently your payments will stop on departure.
If you and/or your child/ren leave Australia temporarily, you may get paid:
• Family Tax Benefit Part A base rate for up to three years
• more than the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A for up to six weeks, and
• Family Tax Benefit Part B for up to six weeks.
If you and/or your child/ren leave Australia for more than six weeks and then return and leave again within six weeks, your payment may change.
If you have a Partner Provisional Visa (subclass 309 or 310) or Interdependency Visa (subclass 820 or 826) and you leave Australia temporarily, you can only get your Family Tax Benefit for up to a maximum of six weeks, for the following approved reasons:
• for an acute family crisis (e.g. to visit an immediate family member who is critically ill)
• for humanitarian reasons (e.g. to adopt a child or attend custody proceedings), or
• eligible medical treatment that is not available in Australia.
You will need to show proof of your reason for travelling overseas. We can tell you what type of proof you need to show us, based on your reasons for travelling outside Australia.
If you have a Temporary Protection Visa your Family Tax Benefit will stop as soon as you leave Australia.
Contact the Families Line on 136 150 before you leave Australia to find out how your payments will change.
结论:小孩如果是PR,即便是在国内出生,只要在出生半年内,全家登陆澳洲(短登亦可)办理税号、牛奶金和Baby Bonus,
在申请成功后离开澳洲,Baby Bonus一分不少,牛奶金会有相应的减少…… 1岁以后登录的就什么补助都没了? homeboxoffice 发表于 11-9-2013 11:45 static/image/common/back.gif
一岁以后有每两周的牛奶金Family Tax Benefit Part A and Family Tax Benefit Part B
但是申请不到Baby Bonus了 - 5000澳刀 很有用,准备在出生后的22周登陆! angelar8 发表于 16-9-2013 13:58 static/image/common/back.gif
这个帖子关注的是,父母在申请PR的过程中,下签之前Baby出生,然后Baby一并PR并且在6个月内登陆的情况 嗯,研究一下。Baby刚出生,PR还在申请中。看看能有啥福利? kevin_sky 发表于 17-9-2013 16:00 static/image/common/back.gif
Baby半年内登陆 可以获得5000澳刀的Baby Bonus
其他没差 kevin_sky 发表于 17-9-2013 16:00 static/image/common/back.gif
只要Baby在出生26周之内 你是PR且有资格获得FTB就行
至于配偶和Baby的身份可能都无所谓(待确认) 谢谢!但愿我们的PR今年能下来。 有听说明年会取消牛奶金,是真的吗? 父母是PR,宝宝不是的话,还是申请不到的吧 就是说如果申请PR的时候宝宝已经4岁了 PR下来之后宝宝也是没有牛奶金的对吗 astra1203 发表于 27-11-2013 13:27 static/image/common/back.gif
就是说如果申请PR的时候宝宝已经4岁了 PR下来之后宝宝也是没有牛奶金的对吗
这个帖子是谈的Baby Bonus 是生一个孩子一次性给的补贴 chingwu 发表于 27-11-2013 13:34 static/image/common/back.gif
这个帖子是谈的Baby Bonus 是生一个孩子一次性给的补贴
哦那牛奶金一直给到孩子几岁呢 astra1203 发表于 27-11-2013 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
应该是成年吧 我女儿在申请过程中出生了,因不愿体检,推迟case,出生以后全家获批,娃四个月登陆,领到了baby bonus:) catherine_wen 发表于 27-11-2013 16:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我女儿在申请过程中出生了,因不愿体检,推迟case,出生以后全家获批,娃四个月登陆,领到了baby bonus
是哇 应该6个月内登陆就有
可惜我 可能拿到签证的时候 娃刚满6个月
没时间办理啦 chingwu,你家娃生了没呢?要是还没生,几月生呢?
我现在等vet呢,老婆7月生,按照时间来看应该是赶得上的,但是我又怕在出生之前就拿到pr的话,那应该怎么办呢?好像看到有人说101pr,这个你了解了么 catherine_wen 发表于 27-11-2013 16:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我女儿在申请过程中出生了,因不愿体检,推迟case,出生以后全家获批,娃四个月登陆,领到了baby bonus
我跟你的情况有可能是一样的,如果顺利的话在娃出生之前肯定已经分co了,但是你说不愿意体检,是因为需要x光有辐射么?然后可以跟co商量推迟等生了以后体检?那么就是全家一起批的pr?? Jerrychenhao 发表于 27-11-2013 19:06 static/image/common/back.gif
我现在等vet呢,老婆7月生,按照时间来看应该是赶得上的 ...
我家的娃已经出生了 7月份的
所以按照规定是没资格领取Baby Bonus啦
你们可以在生完小孩后 再通知CO下签的
大概得大半年吧 肯定赶不上Baby Bonus了(因为需要半年内登陆)
我这篇文章就是为你总结的 你可以照此操作 chingwu 发表于 27-11-2013 20:16 static/image/common/back.gif
我家的娃已经出生了 7月份的
所以按照规定是没资格领取Baby Bonus啦
不过这种情况的话,申请的时候是我们两口交费是主副申,然后批的时候是带孩子三个人,申请费是怎么弄的,不太清楚了,一个孩子dependent也要1800刀呢,好贵啊。你了解么 Jerrychenhao 发表于 27-11-2013 20:26 static/image/common/back.gif
不过这种情况的话,申请的 ...
会让你补钱的 你放心 chingwu 发表于 27-11-2013 20:30 static/image/common/back.gif
会让你补钱的 你放心
说多了都是眼泪啊:'( Jerrychenhao 发表于 27-11-2013 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif
我跟你的情况有可能是一样的,如果顺利的话在娃出生之前肯定已经分co了,但是你说不愿意体检,是因为需要 ...
是的,怕辐射,写信给co推迟到娃出生,体检,补娃材料,很快获批 catherine_wen 发表于 27-11-2013 20:54 static/image/common/back.gif
那如果跨年了,过了7月份,这种情况会有变化么,看到你在另一个帖子里写道G5,不是很明白,还有孩子需要补交申请费么 持续关注中. Jerrychenhao 发表于 27-11-2013 21:06 static/image/common/back.gif
那如果跨年了,过了7月份,这种情况会有变化么,看到你在另一个帖子里写道G5,不是很明白,还有孩子需要补 ...
我那时候全家只交一笔两千多刀的申请费,现在好像副申孩子都要缴费了。如果你们的职业在这段申请冻结的时间不被从紧缺职业拿掉的话,就没问题,如果在此期间被拿掉了,也就是进入G5了,估计移民申请就进入无限等待期了。所以都是要担些风险的,无论去体检,还是申请冻结,就看个人看重什么了。还有我们那是申请要近一年的时间,现在好像批的很快,如果你们还没怀孕的话,为何不规划规划,规避这些风险呢? Jerrychenhao 发表于 27-11-2013 19:06 static/image/common/back.gif
我现在等vet呢,老婆7月生,按照时间来看应该是赶得上的 ...
原来已经怀了,七月份生,抱歉。你这样的情况,反正你钱是跑不了了,要么补副申费,要么补101费。只有一种情况可以免去费用,就是事先获批,来澳洲生,就怕你们准备不充分,还得带老人来照顾月子,更花钱。你看这两个那个划算吧,带娃半年内登陆,交副申费,可以领baby bonus,但带着那么小的娃,作为新移民来说真的很苦。申请101时间上面自由些,但可能领不到baby bonus。至于掉不掉到G5,在政策变化不大的时期也不用太担心,但澳洲移民政策变的挺快的,我上freeoz这些年,见到了不少突如其来的政策变化,可谓血雨腥风,影响到一大批人的命运,至于自己会不会是那个倒霉蛋,我想焦虑也没用,听天命尽人事吧 catherine_wen 发表于 28-11-2013 08:47 static/image/common/back.gif
原来已经怀了,七月份生,抱歉。你这样的情况,反正你钱是跑不了了,要么补副申费,要么补101费。只有一种 ...