各位好,我现在到了提交签证材料的阶段,我之前在墨西哥工作过3年,现在已经回国了。VO要求我提交墨西哥的无犯罪证明,我到墨西哥驻华使馆询问怎么办理,也没有回复。不知这种情况该如何处理,VO是否能通融,还是没有别的办法。如果有人之前在国内办理过墨西哥的无犯罪证明,能指导一下就最好了,谢谢。 查一下澳洲移民局的那个指南:Character Requirement how to obtain a police certificate.各个国家怎么申请里面都有介绍。 本帖最后由 heaichen 于 16-8-2013 18:39 编辑
下列内容来自 Character Requirements-How to obtain a police certificate-February 2013 version
Relevant document: ‘Certificate of Non-Criminal Record’ (Certificado de No Antecedentes Penales). Residents and citizens living outside Mexico
Apply in person or by power of attorney to: Secretaria de Seguridad Publica Calz de Tlalpan No. 2962 Col. Espartaco Delegación Coyoacan CP 04870 México D.F.
Opening hours: 10:00am - 3.00 pm Monday to Friday.
a letter signed by you, specifying and detailing where you have been living since you
turned 18.
a copy of your birth certificate
your a voter card – IFE, passport, and/or military discharge papers
proof of your current address (for example, a telephone or electricity bill)
a set of fingerprints taken at your local police station, and
three full front view and three full right profile pictures.
Note: If you are not in Mexico City, any family member or friend can request the police check with written authorisation (original) from you. This authorisation does not have to be notarised.
The certificate will be issued in Spanish only.
Processing time is approximately 30 working days. 多谢snowmountain 和 snowmountain 的指点。太感谢了 google mexico police clearance
楼主可以试试,不过得抱着那个钱被骗的准备,然后去办 楼上,给你发消息不知道你收到没有,能发消息告诉我你办未刑的国家是是否印度,是的话麻烦告知代理信息,拜托拜托 应该在墨西哥政府网站有,我之前弄新加坡的无犯罪记录也是弄了几个月,楼主加油 多谢各位,经过不懈的努力,终于搞定了 :congra:congra:congra