【Summit Legal】ACS发给律所的邮件,关于减扣工作经验的,拿出来和大家分享。
本帖最后由 SummitLegal 于 18-6-2013 14:41 编辑Dear ***
Australian Computer Society Skill Assessment Result Letters
All Skill Assessment Result Letters issued by the Australian Computer Society report on a date (mm/yy) of when an applicant becomes ‘skilled’.
This date is the time the applicant meets the requirements as detailed in the Summary of Criteria
Some examples demonstrating how this is applied in practice include:
· The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor degree or above that is not closely related to the nominated occupation is upon completion of 4 years’ experience.
· For a Bachelor degree or above that is closely related to the nominated occupation, it is upon completion of 2 years’ experience . For the 2 year requirement this must be in the past 10 years or if 4 years are required this can be in any time period, whichever is earlier.
· For qualifications below a Bachelor degree or for a Bachelor degree or above with a minor in computing, the skilled employment date will be upon completion of 5 years in the past 10 years, or 6 years in any time period.
If the date specified for skilled employment is earlier than the completion of the qualification; the date will be noted as the completion date of the qualification.
If the applicant has multiple qualifications, the date will be based on whichever results in the earliest date.
Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
For further information please email assessment@acs.org.au
Kind Regards,
The Skills Assessment Team
Australian Computer Society
Web: www.acs.org.auE-mail: assessment@acs.org.au
主要还是在说扣减工作经验时间的问题。 太霸道了,为什么ACS的就要扣两年呢:Q:Q:Q:Q:Q 那些在这以前拿到ACS评估的怎么算呢?评估有效期2年,但是老的评估没写那句话,移民局怎么判断从什么时候开始,总不能重新做吧?澳洲学历本身读完就能拿评估(我记得好像是不管几年的),那么之后的工作经验还要减吗?州政府担保的工作要求是不是也跟着减呢? 给谁回的信都是一个模板,就是要扣 真佩服这些老外,看得我头都要绕晕了。 appleelppa 发表于 18-6-2013 16:47 static/image/common/back.gif
那些在这以前拿到ACS评估的怎么算呢?评估有效期2年,但是老的评估没写那句话,移民局怎么判断从什么时候开 ...
这些针对非澳洲毕业的人。澳洲大学毕业的,不扣。关于以前的老结果如何处理,DIAC没表态。 有没有用ACS新结果提交过EOI的,出来说说怎么样 hanyue112 发表于 18-6-2013 18:12 static/image/common/back.gif
以前老的信应该不扣,因为我上周刚刚一个客户下签,他只有9年经验,如果扣两年分数就不满60分了。所以没扣。 SummitLegal 发表于 19-6-2013 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
以前老的信应该不扣,因为我上周刚刚一个客户下签,他只有9年经验,如果扣两年分数就不满60分了。所以没扣 ...
有“新信”eoi甚至准签的没有。 sweetstar 发表于 19-6-2013 12:28 static/image/common/back.gif
暂时没有啊。 那就是还要扣呗。 SummitLegal 发表于 19-6-2013 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
以前老的信应该不扣,因为我上周刚刚一个客户下签,他只有9年经验,如果扣两年分数就不满60分了。所以没扣 ...
那就是老人老政策,新人新政策。。。哎。。。。 SummitLegal 发表于 19-6-2013 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
如果有新消息,麻烦律师公布一下 hanyue112 发表于 19-6-2013 13:20
个人观点、仅供参考。 SummitLegal 发表于 19-6-2013 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif
你是如何确定新的结果会被扣年份的呢? snowaves 发表于 19-6-2013 15:27 static/image/common/back.gif
你是如何确定新的结果会被扣年份 ...
kill Assessment Result Letters issued by the Australian Computer Society report on a date (mm/yy) of when an applicant becomes ‘skilled’.
移民局规定,只有skilled working experience才能算分。
你把上下两个要求连起来看就明白了。 澳洲人我感觉很认死的东西,既然你的老的评估没写,而且这个评估又是有效的,diac就会认。不然diac总不能让他们重新评估吧。换个思路,就算diac要自作主张给你减,他怎么认定你是扣几年呢? 有人减0年,有人2年,有4年,他们不会自己读acs规定,然后自己减的。