今天收到ACS的通知,对于职业评估中工作经验算法的权威解释如下:Dear XXXX,
Australian Computer Society Skill Assessment Result Letters
All Skill Assessment Result Letters issued by the Australian Computer Society report on a date (mm/yy) of when an applicant becomes ‘skilled’.
This date is the time the applicant meets the requirements as detailed in the Summary of Criteria
Some examples demonstrating how this is applied in practice include:
· The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor degree or above that is not closely related to the nominated occupation is upon completion of 4 years’ experience.
· For a Bachelor degree or above that is closely related to the nominated occupation, it is upon completion of 2 years’ experience . For the 2 year requirement this must be in the past 10 years or if 4 years are required this can be in any time period, whichever is earlier.
· For qualifications below a Bachelor degree or for a Bachelor degree or above with a minor in computing, the skilled employment date will be upon completion of 5 years in the past 10 years, or 6 years in any time period.
If the date specified for skilled employment is earlier than the completion of the qualification; the date will be noted as the completion date of the qualification.
If the applicant has multiple qualifications, the date will be based on whichever results in the earliest date.
Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
For further information please email assessment@acs.org.au
Kind Regards,
The Skills Assessment Team
Australian Computer Society
Web: www.acs.org.auE-mail: assessment@acs.org.au
还是要扣年份? 哎,反正就是收紧了。IT的好日子过去了,大家不用瞎猜了。 Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
最后一句貌似强调了是全体提升门槛的:@ ACS怎么说都没用吧,关键还是DIAC怎么计算吧。。。 Bona_32 发表于 14-6-2013 18:34 static/image/common/back.gif
ACS不会自己莫名其妙玩这个。 If the date specified for skilled employment is earlier than the completion of the qualification; the date will be noted as the completion date of the qualification.
If the applicant has multiple qualifications, the date will be based on whichever results in the earliest date.
Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
(摆明了要杀人,还要诛心。。。) it类可是大头,收紧了之后,每轮能邀请到的人数不得锐减!? 下周移民局应该出新政策了吧,到时看解释。 问个问题,假设一般都是6月毕业,7月工作,那一年工作经验是必须等到第二年的7月份,还是6月份,或是更早。这个有具体说明么?因为一般简历里面,为了撑面子,一般过了半年,不到一年,都说成1年。比如4年零7个月,也会写成5年工作经验,或者“近5年”工作经验。 jojozhuang 发表于 14-6-2013 23:52 static/image/common/back.gif
问个问题,假设一般都是6月毕业,7月工作,那一年工作经验是必须等到第二年的7月份,还是6月份,或是更早。 ...
因为后期移民局需要你提供所有你声明的工作经验的证明材料 比如税单 工资单 社保缴纳 等等 如果那几个月没有 你就是overclaim 如果你不想找麻烦,工作经验严格按照实际的月份走。不要打擦边球。 jojozhuang 发表于 14-6-2013 23:52
问个问题,假设一般都是6月毕业,7月工作,那一年工作经验是必须等到第二年的7月份,还是6月份,或是更早。 ...
acs只让你写工作开始日期和结束日期,他们给你计算工作期间。这也是他们主要的工作内容,你帮他算了,他们就没事干了。 jojozhuang 发表于 14-6-2013 23:52 static/image/common/back.gif
问个问题,假设一般都是6月毕业,7月工作,那一年工作经验是必须等到第二年的7月份,还是6月份,或是更早。 ...
ACS算年算月不算日。这个是有说明的,你申报的工作日期,必须精确,真实。和简历无关。 哦,明白了,多谢几位的提醒,主要是没提交过,不知道ACS系统里面怎么填的。看来只要填好真实的就职记录,至于到底有多长,由他们计算了。从另一个帖子得悉,一般总共加起来会少一个月。 :hug::hug: jojozhuang 发表于 15-6-2013 10:01 static/image/common/back.gif
哦,明白了,多谢几位的提醒,主要是没提交过,不知道ACS系统里面怎么填的。看来只要填好真实的就职记录,至 ...
我的工作经验就损失了一个月,跳槽时候是4月底离职,五一假期后入职,就被算丢了一个月.... :hug::hug: