我本科专业是:电子信息工程,里面涉及到通讯(微波)、计算机网络等,原来打算申请263311或263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer做EA认证,但发现要准备CDR太复杂了,故转向ACS,打算申请263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer,并且我8年的工作经验主要也是跟计算机网络有关,不知道ACS是否更容易一些?我是否主要注意reference的撰写,体现我的工作和计算机网络相关即可?盼各位大侠指教!不甚感激!
[ 本帖最后由 yyb2222 于 8-5-2013 08:57 编辑 ] 同专业,走的ACS,GroupA
建议准备材料时,附课程说明,告诉他哪几门是计算机类的,学分比例达到总学分65%以上。 原帖由 yyb2222 于 8-5-2013 08:54 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我本科专业是:电子信息工程,里面涉及到通讯(微波)、计算机网络等,原来打算申请263311或263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer做EA认证,但发现要准备CDR太复杂了,故转向ACS,打算申请263111 Computer Ne ...
ICT Major
For an AQF Diploma or an AQF Advanced Diploma or overseas equivalent, the ICT content must be at least 50%.
ICT Minor
For a minor (sub-major) for a Bachelor degree the ICT content must be at least 20%.
For a minor (sub-major) for a Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification that does not require an ICT major degree level qualification or equivalent for entry, a minor (sub-major) must be at least 50%.
For a minor (sub-major) for a Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification that does require an ICT major degree level qualification or equivalent for entry, a minor (sub-major) must be at least 15% and less than 33%.
需要自己的配课满足上述条件才可以才可以做出来ACS的认证的。 ACS认证在写自己的相关计算机工作经验的时候,一定要侧重于自己认证的职业来写,认证的把握会高一些。 原帖由 startin2013 于 8-5-2013 13:14 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
感谢您的细心指导,弱弱的问一下什么是“Group A” 原帖由 指南针RUBY 于 8-5-2013 13:23 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
ICT Major
For an AQF Diploma or an AQF Advanced Diploma or overseas equivalent, the ICT content must be at least 50%.
ICT Minor
For a minor (sub-major) for a Bachelor degree the ICT content mu ...
太感谢您了!那问一下是否我把我的成绩单拿来,看一下和计算机相关的,我就把学分记下来,最后一统计,若比分超过这个“For a minor (sub-major) for a Bachelor degree the ICT content must be at least 20%.”百分之二十就可以了?然后我写工作经历的时候,就重点往计算机网络上面靠对吧? Mark.
ICT Major Criteria:
A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate degree must have at least 50% ICT content.
A Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree with ICT content less than 50% are assessed as a Non-ICT qualifications.
A Bachelor degree must have:
• 33% ICT content for a 3 year course
• 25% ICT content for a 4 year course
• 20% ICT content for a 5 year course
The ICT content must progress through all years of the program with the final year being at an advanced level.
In all educational qualifications, 65% of the ICT content must be closely related to the nominated occupation (ANZSCO) to meet the suitability criteria.
如果是4年制本科,ICT课程要占25%以上并贯穿整个学历且第4年需为高级课程——ICT Major;
65%以上的ICT课程(并不是全部课程)需和提名职业高度相关——Closely related to the nominated occupation。