leozhou1385 发表于 2-10-2013 09:35:15

moten 发表于 2-10-2013 07:47 static/image/common/back.gif
好消息是他手里代理的案子2月和3月份递的申请在8月底之前都 ...

Thanks for sharing.
March 2013 was assessed? It is good news. Could you please tell us the exactly the date.

kevin_sky 发表于 2-10-2013 12:04:54

moten 发表于 2-10-2013 07:47 static/image/common/back.gif
好消息是他手里代理的案子2月和3月份递的申请在8月底之前都 ...


moten 发表于 2-10-2013 21:11:05


bigshow 发表于 3-10-2013 21:51:13

天哪887怎么回事啊   怎么移民局网站进度丝毫没有更新呢

leozhou1385 发表于 3-10-2013 22:06:49

bigshow 发表于 3-10-2013 20:51 static/image/common/back.gif
天哪887怎么回事啊   怎么移民局网站进度丝毫没有更新呢


bigshow 发表于 3-10-2013 22:34:41


bigshow 发表于 3-10-2013 22:49:47

1.- IELTS English Test Report Results; 递交887申请主申请人不用再考雅思了吧

2.- evidence of recent Australian qualifications - this includes transcript(s) and letter(s) of completion or evidence of recent work experience; 这个仅仅是要求提供工作证明(full time一年)的一些材料吗?

3.evidence of arrangements to undergo a medical examination

4.satisfactory skills assessment for your nominated occupation.Please include all evidence of work experience you used to obtain this assessment.If you applied for an onshore GSM visa please also provide evidence of when you applied for your skills assessment 这项是指以前的职业评估和以前的工作经验吗?这个第4项大家都有提交吗?

bigshow 发表于 4-10-2013 13:34:55


887 Skilled – Regional        10 February 2013

lilyrose 发表于 4-10-2013 14:03:10

bigshow 发表于 4-10-2013 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif

887 Skilled – Regional        10 February 2013


wangwei0383 发表于 4-10-2013 14:44:53


kevin_sky 发表于 5-10-2013 22:51:19

bigshow 发表于 3-10-2013 21:49 static/image/common/back.gif
1.- ...


cococui 发表于 7-10-2013 12:38:34


bigshow 发表于 7-10-2013 20:06:13

887距目前情况来看,整整延迟了2个月的进度。唉 不知道什么时候能追上

slightfeather 发表于 7-10-2013 22:32:34



对于已经递签超过六个月的朋友,一定要complain,参考一下第二条,Simple and efficient processes
We aim to confirm that an application has been received, and advise the likely processing time if the processing time will extend beyond 5 working days.

理由1,对于887签证审批的过于低效,我们要highly concern,提醒他们要抓紧批签证,信守承诺,不要偷懒
理由2,对于887被移出Priority Group表示抗议,毕竟是onshore的签证,搞的比offshore的签证都慢,实在是很不公平


leozhou1385 发表于 8-10-2013 12:20:49

slightfeather 发表于 7-10-2013 22:32 static/image/common/back.gif

http://www.immi.gov ...

very good:support:

zelovehit 发表于 8-10-2013 16:48:04


boat2004 发表于 8-10-2013 17:08:34


leozhou1385 发表于 8-10-2013 21:34:03

zelovehit 发表于 8-10-2013 16:48 static/image/common/back.gif

zelovehit,同时你可以引用官网的“allocation date (887)”and “standard processing time for 887”的网址,有一栏可以填的,以增加说服力。

wanggaga 发表于 8-10-2013 22:29:37


cococui 发表于 8-10-2013 23:44:50


leozhou1385 发表于 9-10-2013 15:43:34

wanggaga 发表于 8-10-2013 22:29 static/image/common/back.gif

Thanks for sharing, and could you please tell us what kind of docs the CO required(I can only type En at moment)

zelovehit 发表于 9-10-2013 21:32:32

Dear Mr Lin

Thank you for your correspondence that was received on 8 October 2013.

Your Feedback Case Number is IMMI-13-16258. Please quote this number in any further enquiries relating to this matter.

We are interested in following up on the Feedback you have raised. In order to better help you with this, we need further details on the following:

If an application is involved – Name of Applicant/s

Applicant’s Date of Birth

File reference

Passport number (if known)

Date of application lodgement (if applicable)

Office where the application has been lodged or will be lodged

We would appreciate it if you could supply this information within seven (7) days from the date of this email, by way of our online Feedback Form at http://www.immi.gov.au

Please be aware of DIAC's Privacy Policy in relation to responding to enquiries. See http://www.immi.gov.au/functional/privacy.htm.

We look forward to receiving your information on this matter.

Yours sincerely


Global Feedback Unit

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)

9 October 2013

leozhou1385 发表于 9-10-2013 21:37:06

zelovehit 发表于 9-10-2013 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif
Dear Mr Lin

直接把官网887 allocate date 给他就好。

wanggaga 发表于 9-10-2013 21:43:10

leozhou1385 发表于 9-10-2013 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks for sharing, and could you please tell us what kind of docs the CO required(I can only type ...


kevin_sky 发表于 10-10-2013 09:28:01

zelovehit 发表于 9-10-2013 21:32 static/image/common/back.gif
Dear Mr Lin


leozhou1385 发表于 10-10-2013 13:42:23

kevin_sky 发表于 10-10-2013 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif

hi Kevin
What is the explanation they gave to you? - waiting 6 months and send your info for referennce?

kevin_sky 发表于 13-10-2013 10:22:59

leozhou1385 发表于 10-10-2013 13:42 static/image/common/back.gif
hi Kevin
What is the explanation they gave to you? - waiting 6 months and send your info for refe ...

I note that your subclass 887 application was lodged on 23 June 2013.The processing service standard for subclass 887 applications is 6 months from the date of lodgement.

As you are aware, subclass 887 applications are exempt from the priority processing direction and applications are processed in the order in which they are received by the department.Currently the department has allocated subclass 887 applications that have been lodged on or before 5 February 2013.

If your child is born in Australia before the grant of your subclass 887 visa application the child will be added to your subclass 475 visa.You will need to notify the department of your changes in circumstances by completing and submitting a Form 1022 Notification in Changes of Circumstances.You will also need to submit copies of your child’s birth certificate and passport to the department.These documents can be emailed to:adelaide.gsm.team6@immi.gov.au.Please note that your child will also be required to undergo a health assessment.

Your child will also need be added onto your subclass 887 visa application.Please submit copies of your child’s birth certificate and passport by email to gsm.documents@immi.gov.au in order to have your child added onto this application.

If your child is born in Australia after your subclass 887 visa is granted, your child will automatically acquire Australian citizenship at birth and will not require a further visa application.

The department is unable to provide you with a definitive date by which you can expect your application will be allocated to a case officer, however, I would like to assure you that your case will be allocated as soon as practicable.I would encourage you to regularly check the department’s allocations page to assist you in determining when your application may be allocated.

The department is committed to service improvement and your feedback provides us with information to help improve the quality of our services.I would like to thank you for taking the time to lodge your feedback with the department.

leozhou1385 发表于 13-10-2013 14:48:58

kevin_sky 发表于 13-10-2013 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
I note that your subclass 887 application was lodged on 23 June 2013.The processing service stan ...


bigshow 发表于 13-10-2013 16:33:12


leozhou1385 发表于 13-10-2013 23:14:58

bigshow 发表于 13-10-2013 16:33 static/image/common/back.gif

所以现在我再催,DIAC都无法解释了-让我send feedback
第一个地回复很官方-processing time is 6 months and send your info for reference only.
页: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
查看完整版本: 你催签了吗?887集结号:最近递交申请的请进(#516 homework updated)