诚心期盼答案。 1.EOI系统没要求提高配偶的雅思成绩,职业评估倒是有。不过雅思成绩申请签证过程中肯定要用到的
3 是的。没问题
补充,配偶必须要和主申在同一个SOL List上才能加分
回复 #1 cite_yu 的帖子
Partner Skills
You can receive five points if your partner meets requirements at the time you are invited to apply relating to:
English language ability
a suitable skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the same Skilled Occupation List used for your application.
You cannot receive these points if your partner is not included on your visa application, or if they are an Australian citizen or an Australian permanent resident. 3可以的,两份EOI嘛。
回复 #3 harrytaurus2002 的帖子
请问下,你上面那段英文是从哪儿引用来的?我在1119表上的内容如下:points for Partner skills
If your partner is included in your application you may be awarded points if at time of
invitation, he or she:
• is able to satisfy ‘basic requirements’ including age, English language ability and
nominated occupation; and
• has obtained a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for
their nominated occupation.
Points are only available if your partner is included in your application as an applicant.
Points are not available if your partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
Evidence to support your application
1. Obtain evidence that your partner satisfies the basic requirements:
• a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for your partner’s
nominated occupation (see ‘Self-assessment’ on page 18);
• evidence of age (see ‘points for Age’ on page 19); and
• evidence of English language ability (see page 20).
2. Your partner should provide a suitable skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority
at the time of invitation.
没有你说的on the same Skilled Occupation List used for your application啊!急求解答!或者你用的是早期版本的1119 booklet 6?
回复 #2 baret 的帖子
也请教下baret,或者其他能解答的热心童鞋——我老公主申,职业在SOL上,我副申,职业在CSOL上,那就不能加分了?回复 #5 风童鞋 的帖子
http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/index/visas/subclass-189/Other factors > Partner Skills
[ 本帖最后由 harrytaurus2002 于 3-4-2013 21:08 编辑 ] 谢谢Harry的解答,但你给的是DIAC189的申请页,没有关于配偶加分的说明啊。
上面我引用的内容,是从BOOKLET 6,也就是form1119(Design date 07/12a)——Points Based Skilled Migration
(subclasses 189, 190 and 489) visa上截取来的。请问其他地方还有哪里有关于配偶加分的详细描述。如有,请告知一下具体出处。谢谢!
另外,在EA首页——3. The assessment services associated with DIAC's points test are being preserved
These will assist in the subsequent claiming of DIAC points as part of the overall migration application - see this information on the points test:
点SEE THIS INFORMATION, 可以打开一个5页的文件POINT TEST——1 July 2011 - Points Test for Certain Skilled Migration Visas,以下是引用的里面关于Partner Skills的描述:
Partner skills
Five points can also be claimed for those where the primary applicant’s partner satisfies the threshold criteria for a visa.
To claim partner points the primary applicant’s partner will need to meet the following criteria:
be included on the same visa application as the primary applicant
not be an Australian permanent resident or citizen
be less than 50 years old at the time of application
nominate an occupation on the same SOL as the primary applicant, and be assessed by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the occupation
have competent English
have been employed in a skilled occupation for at least 12 months in the 24 months before the application is lodged, or completed the Australian Study Requirement.
的确要求“nominate an occupation on the same SOL as the primary applicant”,但是注意,这是DIAC2011年7月1日的描述了。是否主申在SOL,副申在CSOL上就加不了分。如果这样,能加分的人岂不是太少了?而且这样的话,主申和副申还有啥区别啊,如果大家的职业都这么热门,还分什么主副啊。因为最近才开始关注,还请了解的童鞋们热心加耐心地解答一下。谢谢! 原帖由 风童鞋 于 3-4-2013 19:28 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
“Partner Skills
You can receive five points if your partner meets requirements at the time you are invited to apply relating to:
English language ability
a suitable skills assessment in a nominated occupation on the same Skilled Occupation List used for your application.
You cannot receive these points if your partner is not included on your visa application, or if they are an Australian citizen or an Australian permanent resident.”
[ 本帖最后由 baret 于 4-4-2013 23:58 编辑 ] 原帖由 cite_yu 于 25-3-2013 15:38 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
3、如果配偶的各项条件也能满60分,是否夫妻双方可以分别单独申请PR,并且相互配偶 ...